Cabinet of Jamaica

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The Cabinet of the Government of Jamaica is the ultimate decision-making body of the executive within the Westminster system of government in traditional constitutional theory. The Cabinet of Jamaica is the principal instrument of government policy. It consists of the Prime Minister, and a minimum of thirteen other Ministers of Government, who must be members of one of the two Houses of Parliament. Not more than four members of the Cabinet may be members of the Senate. The Minister of Finance must be an elected member of the House of Representatives.[1]

The Cabinet of Jamaica is currently composed of The People's National Party members because the party won the 2011 General elections.[2]

The following are the members of the Government Cabinet led by Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller.[3]



The government of Jamaica, formally referred to as Her Majesty's Jamaican Government, is defined by the constitution as the Queen acting on the advice of her Executive Council; what is technically known as the Queen-in-Council, or sometimes the Governor-in-Council, referring to the governor general as the Queen's stand-in.

As the stipulations of responsible government require that those who directly advise the monarch and governor general on how to exercise the Royal Prerogative be accountable to the elected House of Representatives, the day-to-day operation of government is guided only by a sub-group of the Cabinet made up of individuals who hold seats in parliament. This body of ministers of the Crown is the Cabinet, which has come to be the council in the phrase Queen-in-Council.

Ministers, Ministers of State and Ministers with portfolio[edit]

Each minister of the Crown is responsible for the general administration of at least one government portfolio, and heads a corresponding ministry or ministries. The most important minister, following the prime minister, is the Minister of Finance, while other high-profile ministries include foreign affairs, national security, industry and health.

Further, the prime minister may recommend the governor general appoint to Cabinet some ministers of state and ministers without portfolio. Ministers of state often assume one responsibility of a ministry and are not considered as apart of the Cabinet. In the Jamaican press, Ministers of State of often referred to as Junior Ministers. Ministers without portfolio, often working within the Office of the prime minister, assuming one of the prime minister's subsidiary roles (excluding that of Minister of Defence). Two exceptions exist within the current Cabinet.

Current cabinet[edit]

Following the December 2011 general election, Portia Simpson-Miller and the People's National Party returned to government. She selected her cabinet and they, along with herself, were appointed by the Governor General on January 5, 2012.


Ministry or department Minister Ministerial title Incumbent since
Office of the Prime Minister The Most Hon. Portia Simpson-Miller, MP Prime Minister
Minister of Defence
Minister of Development, Information and Sports
January 5 2012
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and Foreign Trade
Sen. Arnold Joseph Nicholson Minister of Foreign Affairs
and Foreign Trade
Ministry of Finance,
Planning and the Public Service
The Hon. Dr. Peter Phillips, MP Minister of Finance,
Planning and the Public Service
Ministry of Industry,
Investment and Commerce
The Hon. Mr. Anthony Hylton, MP Minister of Industry,
Investment and Commerce
Ministry of National Security The Hon. Mr. Peter Bunting, MP Minister of National Security
Ministry of Justice Sen. Mark Golding Minister of Justice
Ministry of Education The Hon. Rev. Ronald Thwaites, MP Minister of Education
Ministry of Energy, Mining,
Science and Technology
The Hon. Mr. Phillip Paulwell, MP Minister of Energy, Mining,
Science and Technology
Ministry of Local Government
and Community Development
The Hon. Mr. Noel Arscott, MP Minister of Local Government
and Community Development
Ministry of Land, Environment,
Water and Climate Change
The Hon. Mr. Robert Pickersgill, MP Minister of Land, Environment,
Water and Climate Change
Ministry of Transport,
Works and Housing
The Hon. Dr. Omar Davies, MP Minister of Transport,
Housing and Works
Ministry of Youth and Culture The Hon. Ms. Lisa Hanna, MP Minister of Youth and Culture
Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment The Hon. Dr. Wykeham McNeill, MP Minister of Tourism and Entertainment
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries The Hon. Mr. Derrick Kellier, MP Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries August 28, 2014
Ministry of Health The Hon. Horace Dalley, MP Minister of Health November 6, 2015
Ministry of Labour and Social Security The Hon. Dr. Fenton Ferguson, MP Minister of Labour and Social Security

Ministers without portfolio[edit]

Ministry or department Minister Ministerial title Incumbent since
Ministry of Transport,
Housing and Works
The Hon. Dr. Morais Guy, MP Minister without portfolio for Housing January 5, 2012
Ministry of Finance,
Planning and the Public Service
The Hon. Mr. Horace Dalley, MP Minister without portfolio for the Public Service
Office of the Prime Minister
(Min. of Develop., Info. and Sports)
The Hon. Mrs. Natalie Neita-Headley, MP Minister without portfolio for Sport
Sen. Sandrea Falconer Minister without portfolio for Information

Ministers of state[edit]

Eight ministers of state have been appointed but are not a part of the cabinet although they will help in the operations of their various sectors.[4]

Ministry or department Minister Ministerial title Incumbent since
Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment The Hon. Mr. Damian Crawford, MP Minister of State
for Tourism Development
January 5, 2012
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and Foreign Trade
The Hon. Arnaldo Brown, MP Minister of State for
Caribbean Integration
Ministry of Energy, Mining,
Science and Technology
The Hon. Mr. Julian Robinson, MP Minister of State for
Science and Technology
Ministry of Industry,
Investment and Commerce
The Hon. Mrs. Sharon Ffolkes-Abrahams Minister of State for
Small Business and Investments
Ministry of Land, Environment, Water and Climate Change The Hon. Mr. Ian Hayles Minister of State
for Land Administration
Ministry of Local Government and
Community Development
The Hon. Mr. Colin Fagan Minister of State for
Local Government Reform
Ministry of Transport,
Housing and Works
The Hon. Mr. Richard Azan Minister of State for
Infrastructure Renewal
Ministry of Agriculture, Labour and Social Security The Hon. Mr. Luthur Buchanan Minister of State
for Rural Development
