National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

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Emerging from the famous Brundtland Report, Our Common Future, the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE or Round Table) was a model for convening diverse and competing interests around one table to create consensus ideas and viable suggestions for sustainable development. The NRTEE focused on sustaining Canada’s prosperity without borrowing resources from future generations or compromising their ability to live securely. The Conservative government of Stephen Harper ended funding to NRTEE, which ceased to exist on March 31, 2013.


The National Round Table was an independent policy advisory agency to the Government of Canada. Its mandate was to raise awareness among Canadians and their governments about the challenges of sustainable development.

Over 25-year it released dozens of reports on priority issues – forests, brownfields, infrastructure, energy, water, air, climate change, and more. It offered advice to governments on how best to reconcile and integrate the often divergent challenges of economic prosperity and environmental conservation.

It brought together hundreds of leaders and experts with first-hand knowledge in a diversity of areas. Its Members, appointed by the Federal government, were active in businesses, universities, environmentalism, labour, public policy, and community life from across Canada.

NRTEE Members 1988-2013[edit]

  • Harinder P.S. Ahluwalia
  • W.R.O. (Roy) Aitken
  • Elyse Allan
  • Allan F. Amey
  • Paul Antle
  • Edwin Aquilina
  • Louis Archambault
  • R.C. (Reg) Basken
  • Jean Bélanger
  • David V.J. Bell
  • Janet L.R. Benjamin
  • Guy Bertrand
  • The Honourable Lise Bacon
  • Katherine M. Bergman
  • Françoise Bertrand
  • William J. Borland
  • The Honourable Benoit Bouchard
  • David Bishop
  • Lise Brousseau
  • The Honourable Pauline Browes
  • Elizabeth Brubaker
  • Allan Bruce
  • Angus Bruneau
  • David T. Buzzelli
  • The Honourable Carol Carson
  • Patrick Carson
  • Wendy L. Carter
  • The Honourable Jean Charest
  • David Chernushenko
  • Linda Coady
  • George E. Connell
  • Elizabeth Jane Crocker
  • The Honourable J. Glen Cummings
  • Dianne Cunningham
  • Hélène Connor-Lajambe
  • The Honourable Robert René de Cotret
  • Anthony Dale
  • Douglas B. Deacon
  • Pat Delbridge
  • Francine Dorion
  • Robert A. Dubé
  • Terry Duguid
  • Richard Drouin
  • G. Martin Eakins
  • The Honourable Jake Epp
  • Janine Ferretti
  • Jean Gaulin
  • Johanne Gélinas
  • Josefina Gonzalez
  • Diane Griffin
  • John V. Hachey
  • Timothy Haig
  • Sam Hamad
  • Arthur Hanson
  • Michael Harcourt
  • Dr. Leslie Harris
  • Marie-Claire Hélie
  • Christopher Hilkene
  • Tony Hodge
  • Franklin Holtforster
  • Susan Holtz
  • John E. Houghton
  • Linda Louella Inkpen
  • Raymond E. Ivany
  • Mark Jaccard
  • Pierre-Marc Johnson
  • David L. Johnston
  • William H. Johnstone
  • Stephen Kakfwi
  • Geraldine A. Kenney-Wallace
  • Cindy Kenny-Gilday
  • David Kerr
  • Margaret G. Kerr
  • Dr. Douglas Knott
  • Robert Kulhawy
  • Lise Lachapelle
  • Lester Lafond
  • Manon Laporte
  • Leah C. Lawrence
  • Emery P. LeBlanc
  • The Honourable John Leefe
  • Anne Letellier de St-Just
  • Donald MacKinnon
  • Jack M. MacLeod
  • Jim MacNeill
  • Diane Frances Malley
  • Cristina Marques
  • Elizabeth May
  • The Honourable Donald Mazankowski
  • Patricia McCunn-Miller
  • Ken McKinnon
  • Audrey McLaughlin
  • The Honourable Bill McKnight
  • Harvey L. Mead
  • Patrice Merrin Best
  • Robert Mills
  • Kerry Morash
  • Karen A. Morgan
  • David Morton
  • Glen Murray
  • Kenneth B. Ogilvie
  • Lise Ouellette
  • H. Joseph O’Neill
  • Robert (Bob) Page
  • Mark Parent
  • Edythe A. (Dee) Parkinson-Marcoux
  • Carol Philips
  • Alfred Pilon
  • Leone Pippard
  • Richard W. Prokopanko
  • Darren Allan Riggs
  • Florence Robart
  • Wishart Robson
  • Angus Ross
  • Quassi Samak
  • Robert Slater
  • Irene So
  • Robert Sopuck
  • Stuart Smith
  • Keith Stoodley
  • The Honourable Maurice Strong
  • Barry D. Stuart
  • Sheila Watt-Cloutier
  • John Wiebe
  • The Honourable Bernhard Wiens
  • Judy G. Williams
  • Loreen Williams
  • Steve Williams
  • The Honourable Michael Wilson



External links[edit]