George's Bottom Line
Reporting and Analysis from Anchor of Good Morning America and ABC News Senior Political Correspondent

George Stephanopoulos is anchor of ABC's "Good Morning America." He is also the network's chief political correspondent, reporting on political and policy stories for all ABC News broadcasts and platforms.

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Biden: We 'Misread the Economy'

July 05, 2009 10:10 AM

Big admission from Vice President Joe Biden today.

"The truth is, we and everyone else misread the economy," Biden told me during our exclusive "This Week" interview in Iraq.

Biden acknowledged administration officials were too optimistic earlier this year when they predicted the unemployment rate would peak at 8 percent as part of their effort to sell the stimulus package. The national unemployment rate has ballooned to 9.5 percent in June -- the worst in 26 years.

"The truth is, there was a misreading of just how bad an economy we inherited," said Biden, who is leading the administration's effort to implement it's $787 billion economic stimulus plan.

"Now, that doesn't -- I'm not -- it's now our responsibility. So the second question becomes, did the economic package we put in place, including the Recovery Act, is it the right package given the circumstances we're in? And we believe it is the right package given the circumstances we're in," he told me.

The vice president argued more time is needed for the stimulus to work.

"We misread how bad the economy was, but we are now only about 120 days into the recovery package," he said. "The truth of the matter was, no one anticipated, no one expected that that recovery package would in fact be in a position at this point of having to distribute the bulk of money."

Biden didn't rule out a second government stimulus package, but downplayed calls from Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman this week that a second stimulus will be needed.

I pressed the vice president, who is also leading the administration's middle-class task force, on whether he'd rule out a second stimulus package.

"So, no second stimulus?" I asked.

"No, I didn't say that," Biden said, "I think it's premature to make that judgment. This was set up to spend out over 18 months. There are going to be major programs that are going to take effect in September, $7.5 billion for broadband, new money for high-speed rail, the implementation of the grid -- the new electric grid. And so this is just starting, the pace of the ball is now going to increase."

--George Stephanopoulos

July 5, 2009 in Joe Biden , The Economy, This Week with George Stephanopoulos | Permalink | Share | User Comments (965)

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No comments all useless re Oduma

Posted by: Joeray | Jul 5, 2009 10:39:58 AM

Well, what Biden and Obama don't seem to be able to understand is that their political agenda will simply make a bad economy worse. They need to drop the carbon cap and trade tax immediately. By the way, New York has had the coldest June since 1958, Arizona had the most consequetive days below 100 degrees in history.

Posted by: Meab | Jul 5, 2009 10:46:41 AM

the economy "we inherited?" isn't a bit disengenuous for someone who has spent almost his entire lifetime in congress (whatever party they are in) to try to blame the last guy for all the problems we face? this dude's been in office through republican presidencies dominated by democratic legislatures and vice-versa. the mess has been decades in the making and has encompassed both parties. how much longer are we going to hear that everything is the fault of the last guy to turn out the lights?

Posted by: davidfrat21 | Jul 5, 2009 10:47:04 AM

No kidding, Biden, and you are still not listening to people who know better. Obama will strangle the productive sector on the economy into a coma from which it will never recover.

Got food stamps?

Posted by: Marty | Jul 5, 2009 10:49:47 AM

so, we were told that the world would explode if we didn't pass the trillion dollar stimulus, then we found out that no one who voted for it actually read it (including the president who signed the thing) and now we're told that they misread the numbers. don't you have to actually "read" them to misread them? and what faith i take away in the congress and the president knowing that they forced upon us generations of debt servicing based upon what we now know is faulty information. curiously, bush "misreading" intelligence on iraq equated to "bush lied to start a war." is it now fair to say that "obama lied to get mortgage our future?"

Posted by: davidfrat21 | Jul 5, 2009 10:50:38 AM

This SOB administration just sold us down the river. They knew how bad things, even Krugman knew. Now they're saying that they "misread" and they're trying to say that it's time to pardon them? If this had happended under someone else (read conservative), they would have roasted them over coals. Now they have committed us to a debt that grows at 1 trillion per year, and bankrupted my grandkids' generations, and all they can say is that they've misread it?? They going to do what? Spend more money on a government run health care? Then place an energy tax on us? How far do they want to bury us??? Have we had enough yet of this neophyte? This empty suit? This phony? All useless Joe can say is we "misread?" I am now speechless!

Posted by: Gina | Jul 5, 2009 10:52:09 AM

This is just more of the blame game. The truth is, THEY missed the economy, and their actions have been making it worse. There were plenty of voices warning about the seriousness of the situation just as there are now plenty of voices screaming about the catastrophe cap and trade will rain down on our heads.

Posted by: whatchaknow | Jul 5, 2009 10:52:55 AM

davidfrat21 you are wrong and should check your facts on which party held power in congress during the Bush destruction of America. Once again the republicans are trying to pass the blame.

Posted by: glock | Jul 5, 2009 10:53:35 AM

Funny how the average American i.e. Joe the Plumber knew it would get worse and our government did not; average Americans must have better intelligence.

Posted by: Magical Mischief Maker | Jul 5, 2009 10:54:06 AM

Responsibility for the "economy we inherited" must lie at least in part with SENATOR Biden, who served in the legislative branch from 1973 until this January. This was the period of time when the seeds of the current problem were sown by Barney Frank and others, who encouraged, if not required, that banks make loans now quaintly called "toxic."

Anyone who buys this spin on the economy has no platform from which to criticize George W for going into Iran on the basis of "faulty intelligence."

Let us hold politicians of all parties and political persuasions to the same standard.

VP Biden deserves to be prosecuted/impeached for having revealed the top-secret location of the Vice-Presidential security bunker.

Posted by: Stan M | Jul 5, 2009 10:54:34 AM

"Joke Biden" It's the "other guys" fault. We ain't buying it pal.

Toys in the attic.

Posted by: leon sanders | Jul 5, 2009 10:55:37 AM

Sadly, these goofballs running the country will be re-elected 2012. African Americans I work with have said they don't care what he does, as long as he stays in office. America at its finest!

Posted by: Bruce | Jul 5, 2009 10:57:53 AM

Meab....well said! I am sick of hearing how Bush did this to our economy...he warned about this very thing a few years before it became public knowledge. So now, let's spend BILLIONS to fix it? Evidently, money does grow on trees.

Posted by: Lolo | Jul 5, 2009 10:58:41 AM

Atta boy, George.
"It's all Bush's fault".
Works every time.
You are a dangerous joke.

Posted by: dave | Jul 5, 2009 10:58:50 AM

What is this "we" crap? I see BO says "we" quite a bit.
I for one aren't a part of that 'we" group.

Posted by: steve | Jul 5, 2009 10:59:26 AM

Wait...isn't this the same administration that was telling us early this year/late last year that the economy was the worse it had been sense the great depression? So how is a rising unemployment rate surprising to them after making such a bold statement?

Sounds like the administration is realizing that all these so called stimulus bills aren't working.

Should be interesting to see what excuses they make when cap and trade and socialized health care utterly destroy the economy.

Posted by: joe | Jul 5, 2009 10:59:52 AM

In reading Bloomberg News last night, the fear is that if the current debt holders (read China, Saudi Arabia) begin to doubt the security of our notes, they will dump it. To regain their confidence, interest rates will rise and that will cause inflation. Instead of encouraging investments, which would have increased revenue to the treasury, we have done everything we can to warn everyone, everyone in the US that we are coming after you to pay for the interest on the debt, the healthcare, and the carbon tax. We have been screwed by a slick talking, huckster, and all they can say is, "uh, we misread the numbers, but it's the last bozo's fault - yeah, him, not us, we're just trying to fix things." What a bunch of brainless, numbskulls!

Posted by: Gina | Jul 5, 2009 11:00:44 AM

What an incompetent admin. These people are leading us down the river and they don't know how to swim. God help us all with these people.

Posted by: ellen | Jul 5, 2009 11:00:51 AM

Would someone please answer this question?

How can the president, who is half black, be called African-American? Do racially mixed individuals simply choose what race they are primarily called?

I mean no disrespect. I'm just trying to find an answer. Thanks.

Posted by: Bryce | Jul 5, 2009 11:02:20 AM

Seems to me that Biden is now discovering that spending your way out of debt is not working and they are flailing around for answers. How long they stay the course will determine if the U.S. survives their spending spree or we enter into oblivion as a relevant country on the Earth.

Of course, we'll have plenty of money to spend thanks to Commander Odama...

Just keep printing more up! And we can afford to blame ourselves for global warming when, in fact, the world is cooling. That little fact seems to escape the White House science team. Too bad it is all about science for the sake of politics and not science based on science fact. That has become crystal clear over the last few years.

And lets wreck the health care system so Odama can create second-rate health care, soviet-style for the yearning masses to consume in grateful homage to his speech writers. One cannot even begin to count the numbers of unneeded deaths that will come from the poor medicine that will be dispensed from this ridiculous system.

Now the reality his home for Biden (at least) it is clear that the population despises both the cap and trade and health care plans. The lie about not taxing the poor and middle class has now been exposed and we're all going to get hit with record taxation in the name of "green" thinking and to fix a health care system that only needs adjustment and not tossing out.

Great work guys. Awesome. We'll relax while you keep digging us further into the hole.

Posted by: Jon | Jul 5, 2009 11:02:49 AM

Next week his staff will say he miss spoke, can any of you libs tell us 1 good thing that Biden or The Dear Leader (BO) has done for the economy, the country or anything? He has lied, broken every campaign promise and lost more jobs since he has been in office than the country has created in the last 9 years.

Posted by: Darthgator | Jul 5, 2009 11:03:01 AM

Some of us were fooled into letting them go into 1 trillion in debt to keep unemployment from rising above 8%, and now that the money's gone, employment is to going to exceed 10% before the summer is over. What a bunch of chumps we've been (at least I can brag I didn't vote for this scumbag).

Posted by: Gina | Jul 5, 2009 11:03:07 AM

Is Joe related to Yogi?

Posted by: LongT | Jul 5, 2009 11:03:10 AM

Wow, the reality bites campaign has hit the GOP big time. Of course it can be blamed on Bush, he had 8 years to "fix" the "Clinton" recession. Republicans are racist enablers of the status quo. it's ad for the USA.

Posted by: ronjazz | Jul 5, 2009 11:03:15 AM

I think Joe and Obama are misreading how ticked off we the people are also.

Posted by: Bob | Jul 5, 2009 11:03:43 AM

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