Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Mar Addai of Toronto

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The Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Mar Addai of Toronto is the sole eparchy (Eastern Catholic diocese) of the Chaldean Catholic Church (Syro-Oriental Rite in ) for all Canada.

It depends directly on the Chaldean Catholic Patriarch of Babylon, without being part of any ecclesiastical province.

Its cathedral episcopal see is the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, in North York, near Toronto, in Ontario.


Established on 10 June 2011, on territory previously not served by the Patriarchal particular church sui iuris.

Episcopal Ordinaries[edit]

(all Chaldean Rite)

Eparchs (Bishops) of Mar Addai of Toronto
  • Hanna Zora (2011.06.10 – 2014.05.03), previously Archeparch (Archbishop) of Ahvaz of the Chaldeans (Iran) (1974.05.01 – 2011.06.10)
  • Apostolic Administrator Father Daoud Baffro (2014.05.03 – 2015.01.15)
  • Emmanuel Challita (2015.01.15 – ...)

Source and External links[edit]