Mycobacterium gordonae

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Mycobacterium gordonae
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Actinobacteria
Order: Actinomycetales
Suborder: Corynebacterineae
Family: Mycobacteriaceae
Genus: Mycobacterium
Species: M. gordonae
Binomial name
Mycobacterium gordonae
Bojalil et al. 1962, ATCC 14470

Mycobacterium gordonae is a species of Mycobacterium named for Ruth E. Gordon.[1] It's a species of the phylum actinobacteria (Gram-positive bacteria with high guanine and cytosine content, one of the dominant phyla of all bacteria), belonging to the genus mycobacterium.


Gram-positive, nonmotile and moderate to long acid-fast rods.

  • Commonly found in tap water and soil. Casual resident in human sputum and gastric lavage specimens.

Colony characteristics


  • Growth on Löwenstein-Jensen medium and Middlebrook 7H10 agar within 7 or more days at 37 °C (optimal 25 °C).
  • Does not grow in the presence of ethambutol (1 mg/l), isoniazid (10 mg/l) and sodium chloride (5%).
  • Some strains can grow using carbon monoxide as a carbon and energy source.[2]

Differential characteristics


Type strain[edit]

Strain ATCC 14470 = CCUG 21801 = CCUG 21811 = CIP 104529 = DSM 44160 = JCM 6382 = NCTC 10267.


Further reading[edit]