Gallurese dialect

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Native to Italy
Region Gallura, northeastern Sardinia
Native speakers
100,000 (1993)[1]
Official status
Recognised minority
language in
Sardinia (Italy)
Regulated by No official regulation
Language codes
ISO 639-3 sdn
Glottolog gall1276[2]
Linguasphere 51-AAA-pd
Languages and dialects of Sardinia

Gallurese (gadduresu) is an Italo-Dalmatian Romance lect spoken in the region of Gallura, in the northeastern part of Sardinia. It is often considered a dialect of Corsican, or even a transitional variety between Corsican and Sardinian.

Gallurese's grammatical structure, pronunciation, and vocabulary are close to those of Corsican, in particular with the southern dialects of Sartene and Porto-Vecchio. A substantial part of Gallurese vocabulary is also shared with the Logudorese variety of Sardinian.

The Sassarese language, spoken in the area of Sassari, also shares similar transitional characteristics between Corsican, Tuscan, and Sardinian.

Typical constitutional elements of Gallurese[edit]

Corsican dialects, including Gallurese.
  • the plural form of nouns in -i (ghjanni or polti 'doors') like in Corsican and Italian, and not in -s like in Sardinian (jannas, portas), French, Spanish, Catalan, etc.
  • Latin 'll' has become -dd- (like casteddu, coraddu 'castle', 'coral'), the same as in Sardinian, southern Corsican and Sicilian (but castellu, corallu in northern Corsican);
  • -r- modified to -l- (poltu 'port', while portu in Corsican and Sardinian);
  • -chj- and -ghj- sounds (ghjesgia 'church', occhji 'eyes'), like in Corsican, while Sardinian is cresia, ogros.
  • articles lu, la, li, like in ancient Corsican dialects (u, a, i in modern Corsican, su, sa, sos, sas in Sardinian);

Relation to Corsican[edit]

Gallurese is classified by some linguists as a dialect of Corsican,[3][4][5] and by others as a dialect of Sardinian.[6] In any case, a great deal of similarity exists between Southern Corsican dialects and Gallurese, while there is relatively more distance from the neighbouring Sardinian varieties.

The Regional Government of Sardinia has recognized Gallurese, along with Sassarese as separate languages, distinct from Sardinian.[7]

Sample of text[edit]

An excerpt from a hymn dedicated to the Virgin Mary.[8]

Gallurese Southern Corsican Logudorese Sardinian Standard Italian English translation

Tu sei nata par incantu
diliziosa elmosùra
la meddu di Locusantu
la più bedda di Gaddura.

Sei bedda chi dugna cori
s’innammurigghja di te
pa l’occhj mei un fiori
ed è la meddu chi c’è.

E socu vecchju canutu
e socu a tempu passendi
parò sempri burrulendi
comu m’eti cunnisciutu

Cantu campu decu fà
sempri onori a Locusantu
ch’è la tarra di l’incantu
di ca' veni a istragnà.

La Patrona di Gaddura
l’emu noi in Locusantu
incurunata da lu cantu
cussì bedda criatura.

Tu sè nata par incantu
diliziosa biddezza
a meddu di Locusantu
a più bedda di Gaddura.

Sè bedda chì ugni cori
s’innamurighja di tè
pà l’ochja mei un fiori
ed hè a meddu chì ci hè.

Ié socu vechju canutu
è socu à tempu passendu
parò sempri burlendu
comu m’eti cunnisciutu

Quantu campu devu fà
sempri onori a Locusantu
ch’hè a tarra di l’incantu
di quà veni à sughjurnà.

A Patrona di Gaddura
l’emu noi in Locusantu
incurunata da u cantu
cusì bedda criatura.

Tue ses naschida pro incantu
delitziosa ermosura
sa menzus de Logusantu
sa prus bella de Gallura.

Ses bella gai chi donzi coro
s'innamorat de a tie
pro sos ogros meos unu frore
e ses sa menzus chi b'est.

E seo betzu e canu
e su tempus meu est colande
però seo semper brullande
comente m'azis connottu.

Pro cantu bivo appo a depper fàghere
semper onore a Logusantu
chi est sa terra 'e s'incantu
de chie benit a la bisitare.

Sa patrona de Gallura
la tenimus nois in Logusantu
coronada de su cantu
gai bella creadura.

Tu sei nata per incanto
deliziosa bellezza
la migliore di Locosanto
la più bella di Gallura.

Sei tanto bella che ogni cuore
s'innamora di te
per gli occhi miei una fiore
ed è la migliore chi c’è.

Io sono vecchio e canuto
e sarò a tempo passando
però sempre burlando
come m'avevi conosciuto.

Quanto campi devo fare
sempre onore a Locosanto
chi è la terra dell'incanto
per chiunque chi viene a visitarla.

La patrona di Gallura
abbiamo noi in Locusanto
incoronata di canti
così bella creatura.

You were born from bliss
Delightful beauty
The best one in Locusant
The prettiest of Gallura.

You are so pretty that each heart
Falls in love with you
A flower to my eyes
The best one that ever existed.

I am old and bald
And my time is passing by
But I am always cheering up the same way
Just like when you met me.

No matter how long should I walk
I shall always pay tribute to Locusantu
For it is the land of bliss
To whomever comes to visit it.

The Patron of Gallura
Is here for us in Locusantu
Crowned by hymns
Such a splendid creature.


The most ancient literary sources in Gallurese date back to the early 17th century, mainly as poetry and religious odes. Some late Middle Age fragments suggest that the formation of the language could be dated to the early 15th century. The origin and the development of Gallurese are debated. Max Leopold Wagner and Maurice Le Lannou argued that successive migration waves from Southern Corsica, promoted under the Aragonese rule to repopulate an area devastated by famine an pandemies, were crucial in the formation of a slightly hybridized version of Corsican.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Gallurese at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
  2. ^ Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013). "Gallurese Sardinian". Glottolog. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. 
  3. ^ Blasco Ferrer 1984: 180–186, 200
  4. ^ Contini 1987: 1°, 500–503
  5. ^ Dettori 2002
  6. ^ Loporcaro 2009: 159–167
  7. ^ Autonomous Region of Sardinia (1997-10-15). "Legge Regionale 15 ottobre 1997, n. 26" (in Italian). pp. Art. 2, paragraph 4. Retrieved 2008-06-16. 
  8. ^ "Accademia della lingua gallurese". 

External links[edit]