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Native to Netherlands, Germany (Hamburg), England, North America, Brazil
Extinct early 19th century[citation needed]
fewer than 2,000 users in a limited liturgical context[citation needed]
Latin (Portuguese alphabet), Hebrew alphabet
Language codes
ISO 639-3
Glottolog None

Judeo-Portuguese is the extinct Jewish language that was used by the Portuguese Jews of Portugal.


The Judeo-Portuguese language was the vernacular of Sephardi Jews in Portugal before the 16th century and also in many places of the Portuguese Jewish diaspora. Texts were written in Hebrew script (aljamiado português) or in Latin script.

As Portuguese Jews intermarried with other expelled Sephardim, it influenced the neighboring Judeo-Spanish language. Due to close similarity to standard Portuguese, Judeo-Portuguese went extinct in Portugal, surviving in the everyday usage in the diaspora until the early 19th century. Judeo-Portuguese influenced the Papiamento and Saramaccan languages.


Influences from Ladino[edit]

Judaeo-Portuguese Portuguese Ladino English meaning
ay hay there is
Dio Deus (arch. Deo) Dio God
manim mãos manos hands

Portuguese archaisms[edit]

Judaeo-Portuguese Modern Portuguese English meaning
algũa alguma any
angora agora now
aynda ainda yet
dous dois two
he é is
hũa uma a, an, one

Influences from Hebrew[edit]

Judeo-Portuguese Hebrew English meaning
cados kodesh holy
esnoga - (of Greek origin) synagogue
jessiba yeshiva Religious School
massó matzah ritual bread
misvá mitzvah commandments
ros rosh head
rassim rashim heads
rossaná rosh hashanah Jewish New Year
sabá Shabbat Saturday
sedacá tzedakah charity
queilá qehila congregation
quidus kiddush blessing over the wine
tebá tevah central platform in the synagogue

See also[edit]
