Uralic mythologies

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Uralic mythologies is a cover term for the mythologies and indigenous religions of the Finnic, Ugric, and Samoyedic peoples, who speak related Uralic languages.[1] The mythologies retain traces of archaic Uralic religious systems merged with foreign influences, both ancient and modern, and are similar to the beliefs of neighboring non-Uralic peoples of north-central Eurasia.[1]

Of ancient Hungarian mythology (Ugric), not much is known other than it was based on shamanism, there was a belief in the afterlife and a high god, and a tradition of being descended from a female deer.[2] There was also belief in a world/life tree (Világfa/Életfa) which has three levels, each a different world. A shaman was believed to be able to climb through each of these levels freely by a ladder.

Ancient Finnic mythologies had an emphasis on astronomy, with asterisms seen as animal spirits. Creation myths involved a world egg and a world pillar.[2]

The traditional Samoyed religion was based on shamanism and totemism. Tales were sung (syodobobs) or spoken (uahanoku).[3]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ a b Kulemzin, Vladislav; Vladimir Napolskikh; Anna-Leena Siikala; Mihály Hoppál (2006). Encyclopaedia of Uralic Mythologies 2. Akadémiai Kiadó. ISBN 963-05-8284-8. 
  2. ^ a b Leeming, David Adams (2003). "The Finno-Ugrians". From Olympus to Camelot. Oxford University Press. pp. 134–137. ISBN 0-19-514361-2. 
  3. ^ Czaplicka, Marie Antoinette (1999). "Samoyed,". Collected Works of M. A. Czaplicka. Routledge. pp. 24–34. ISBN 0-7007-1001-9. 

Further reading[edit]

  • Napolskikh, Vladimir. The First Stages of Origin of People of Uralic Language Family: Material of Mythological Reconstruction. Moscow, 1991. (Russian: Напольских В. В. Древнейшие этапы происхождения народов уральской языковой семьи: данные мифологической реконструкции. М., 1991.)
  • Petrukhin, Vladimir. Myths of Finno-Ugric Peoples. Moscow, 2005. 463 p. (Russian: Петрухин В. Я. Мифы финно-угров. М., 2005. 463 с.)
  • Religious Beliefs of People in USSR. Vol. 2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1931. (Russian: Религиозные верования народов СССР. Т. 2. М.-Л., 1931.)
  • Sagalaev A. S. Uralic-Altaic Mythology. Novosibirsk, 1991. (Russian: Сагалаев А. С. Уpaло-алтайская мифология. Новосибирск, 1991.)
  • World Outlook of Finno-Ugric People. Moscow, 1990. (Russian: Мировоззрение финно-угорских народов. М., 1990.)