National Archives and Records Administration

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The National Archives (NARA) is a landmark in Washington, D.C.. It has a branch in College Park, Maryland, known as Archives II.

NARA has regional facilities:

  • Anchorage
  • Laguna Niguel
  • San Francisco (San Bruno)
  • Denver, Atlanta
  • Chicago
  • Boston
  • Pittsfield
  • Kansas City
  • St. Louis
  • New York City
  • Philadelphia
  • Fort Worth
  • Seattle

NARA is in charge of 11 Presidential libraries and the Nixon Presidential Materials.

  • Herbert Hoover Library
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
  • Harry S. Truman Library
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
  • John F. Kennedy Library
  • Lyndon B. Johnson Library
  • Nixon Presidential Materials
  • Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum
  • Jimmy Carter Library
  • Ronald Reagan Library
  • George Bush Library
  • William J. Clinton Library

NARA has affiliated archives:

  • U.S. Military Academy Archives, West Point, NY
  • William W. Jeffries Mem. Archives, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD
  • HABS/HAER Division, National Park Service, Washington, DC
  • Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, OK
  • Pennsylvania State Archives, Bureau of Archives and History, Harrisburg, PA
  • Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC
  • State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, NM
  • U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
  • Yellowstone National Park Archives, WY

External links[edit]

National Archives official website