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E-Recruitment or eRecruitment is the process of personnel recruitment using electronic resources, in particular the internet.[1] Companies and recruitment agents have moved much of their recruitment process online so as to improve the speed by which candidates can be matched with live vacancies. Using database technologies, and online job advertising boards and search engines, employers can now fill posts in a fraction of the time previously possible. Using an online e-Recruitment system may potentially save the employer time as usually they can rate the eCandidate and several persons in HR independently review eCandidates. Recruitment agencies also use a method of e-Recruitment by using a cloud based SaaS service, there are several online offerings for ready to use recruitment software [2]

The internet, which reaches a large number of people and can get immediate feedback has become the major source of potential job candidates and well known as online recruitment or E-recruitment. However, it may generate many unqualified candidates and may not increase the diversity and mix of employees.[3]

In terms of HRM, the internet has radically changed the recruitment function from the organisational and job seekers' perspective. Conventional methods of recruitment processes are readily acknowledged as being time-consuming with high costs and limited geographic reach. However, recruitment through World Wide Web (WWW) provides global coverage and ease. Likewise, the speedy integration of the internet into recruitment processes is primarily recognised due to the internet's unrivalled communications capabilities, which enable recruiters for written communications through e-mails, blogs and job portals.[4] [5]


  1. ^ Human Resource Management by R. J. Stone (edition 2006)
  2. ^ "Recruitment software comparison". 
  3. ^ Management by Robbins and Coulter (edition 2009)
  4. ^ The Top Ways to Look for a Job | Job Seeker Tips
  5. ^ Landing a job as a graduate in India | e Recruiting Tips

Recruitment Software: www.hitnrun.co.uk