Associate professor

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For a broader coverage related to this topic, see Professor.
Associate professor
Socrates Louvre.jpg
Socrates, one of the earliest recorded professors.[1]
Names Professor
Occupation type
Activity sectors
Competencies Academic knowledge, teaching
Education required
Sometimes a Master's degree, but typically a Doctoral degree
Related jobs

Associate professor (frequently capitalized as Associate Professor) is an academic title that can have different meanings. In North America and universities elsewhere using the North American system, it is a position between assistant professor and a full professorship. In a number of Commonwealth countries, the title, associate professor, is often used in place of reader, which is used in the United Kingdom and a number of other Commonwealth universities.[2] This usage is typical of universities in Australia and New Zealand, as well as in South Africa, Malaysia and other countries. The title associate professor in those countries, like the title reader, corresponds to a full professorship in North America.

Some universities in Commonwealth countries have changed to the American system, or adopted a combination. The University of Western Australia, for example, changed to the American-style system in 2009, and those who until then held the title associate professor received the new title professor, whereas those who until then held the title senior lecturer, received the new title associate professor.[3]


The table presents a broad overview of the traditional main systems, but there are universities which use a combination of those systems or other titles.

North American system Commonwealth system
(Distinguished Professor
or equivalent)
Professor Associate professor
or reader
Associate professor Senior lecturer
Assistant professor Lecturer


  1. ^ David K. Knox Socrates: The First Professor Innovative Higher Education December 1998, Volume 23, Issue 2, pp 115-126
  2. ^
  3. ^ "Schedule A: Salaries and Casual Rates". Academic Staff Agreement 2010. University of Western Australia. Retrieved 19 December 2012.