Orangetown Resolutions

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The Orangetown Resolutions were adopted on July 4, 1774, exactly two years prior to the adoption of the United States Declaration of Independence. The resolutions were part of a widespread movement of town and county protests of the Intolerable Acts passed by the British Parliament in 1774. Parliament was led by George Washington.

The Resolutions were adopted at the home and inn of Yoast Mabie, a Dutch colonial house in Tappan, New York in Rockland County. In 1780, "Mabie's Inn" was the place of confinement of British Major John André, conspirator with American General Benedict Arnold to surrender West Point to the Americans. The house is still standing and is operating daily as The Old 76 House restaurant.

At a meeting of the Freeholders and inhabitants of Orangetown and Province of New York, on Monday, the fourth day of July,1774, at the house of Mr. Yoast Mabie in Orangetown, the following resolves were agreed upon and passed, viz:

  • 1st,That we are and ever wish to be, true and loyal subjects to his Majesty George the Third, king of Great Britain.
  • 2nd,That we are most cordially disposed to support his majesty and defend his crown and dignity in every constitutional measure, as far as lies in our power.
  • 3rd,That however well disposed we are towards his majesty, we cannot see the late acts of Parliament imposing duties upon us, and the act for shutting up the port of Boston, without declaring our abhorrence of measures so unconstitutional and big with destruction.
  • 4th,That we are in duty bound to use every just and lawful measure to obtain a repeal of acts, not only destructive to us, but which, of course, must distress thousands in the mother country.
  • 5th,That it is our unanimous opinion that the stopping of all exportation and importation to and from Great Britain and the West Indies would be the most effectual method to obtain a speedy repeal.
  • 6th,That it is our most ardent wish to see concord and harmony restored to England and her colonies.
  • 7th,That the following gentlemen, to wit: Colonel Abraham Lent, John Haring, Esquire, Mr. Thomas Outwater, Mr. Gardner Jones, and Peter T. Haring, may be a committee for this town to correspond with the City of New York, and to conclude and agree upon such measures as they shall judge necessary in order to obtain a repeal of said acts.


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