Yeshiva World News

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Yeshiva World News
Type Private
Headquarters Brooklyn, NY, USA
Area served USA, Israel
Founder(s) Judah (Yehudah) Eckstein[1]
Key people Judah (Yehudah) Eckstein, Yechiel Spira, Dov Gefen, Chaim Shapiro, Eli Geffen, Chaim Chernoff, Moshe Altusky, Aliza Levine, & Noach B. Rosen.
Industry News
Type of site News, News aggregation & blogging
Advertising Yes
Registration Optional
Available in English
Current status Active

Yeshiva World News (YWN), is an Orthodox Jewish online news publication.[2][3] It also has multiple services catering to Jews all over the world.

Yeshiva World News started as a news aggregation blog. It has since grown to an independent news source with freelance reporters and photographers in addition to continuing as a news aggregator. It is known for providing news of interest to the Orthodox Jewish community.[citation needed] Its web page header says "Frum Jewish News" (frum is the Yiddish term for a religiously observant Jew).

The website was redesigned in 2010.[4] It has sections containing general news items and Israeli news, as well as religious news, and news tailored around Jewish lifecycle events and the Jewish calendar. Many features are relevant to Jewish observance, including articles about Torah and Jewish law, kosher recipes, and the streaming radio feature. The website is frequented very often and has a high traffic rating on Alexa.


News departments include:

* Simchas * Baruch Dayan Ha'Emmes - Obituaries * Classified Listings


Non-news features include:

  • Op-Ed articles
  • Torah Corner (Halacha/Parsha)
  • Jewish Book Reviews
  • Food & Recipes
  • A current events forum
  • A 24-hour Jewish music stream
  • A detailed calendar of events in Jewish communities - mainly in the New York area
  • Community event listings (weddings, births, deaths, etc.)
  • Weather reports for cities around the world
  • Emergency and non-emergency service phone numbers in all areas.
  • The Coffee Room, a message board for members of the site


  • The main site is directed by Chaim Shapiro, Aliza Levine, Noach B. Rosen, Moshe Altusky, & Eli Gefen.
  • The advertising and business development is managed and directed by Chaim Chernoff.
  • The YWN Israel Bureau is directed by Israeli journalist Yechiel Spira[5] formerly of Arutz Sheva[6] and editor at Jerusalem Kosher News.[7]
  • Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits, Rabbinical Administrator KOF-K Kosher Supervision, authors the daily halacha.
  • Journalists Yossi Gestetner & Chaskel Bennett also contribute frequently with opinion pieces.
  • The technology and development is done by Duvys Media, from Lakewood, NJ.


There has been some controversy regarding the fact that YWN will not post any stories which portray Orthodox Judaism in a bad light. For example, they omitted most reports on the child abuse scandals in Orthodox Yeshivos, as well as the scandal with Leib Tropper and EJF in 2009. Additionally, YWN has failed to address the recent call by leading Orthodox Rabbis for all chareidi websites to shut down, despite many readers asking why it was ignored.[8]

See also[edit]


External links[edit]