List of rivers of British Columbia

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The following is a partial list of rivers of British Columbia, organized by watershed. Some large creeks are included either because of size or historical importance (See Alphabetical List of British Columbia rivers ). Also included are lakes that are "in-line" connecting upper tributaries of listed rivers, or at their heads.


Arctic Drainage[edit]

Arctic Ocean (Mackenzie River) drainage

(NB Liard tributaries on Yukon side of border omitted)

Liard River[edit]

Peace River[edit]

Williston Lake (Parsnip Reach)[edit]

Williston Lake (Omineca Reach)[edit]

Williston Lake (Finlay Reach)[edit]

Pacific Drainage ("Pacific Slope")[edit]

(Pacific Ocean watershed; Columbia tributaries on US side of border omitted)

Columbia River watershed[edit]

Strait of Georgia[edit]

Howe Sound[edit]

Jervis Inlet[edit]

Sechelt Inlet[edit]

Malaspina Strait[edit]

Desolation Sound watershed[edit]

Theodosia Inlet[edit]
Toba Inlet[edit]

Bute Inlet[edit]

Knight Inlet[edit]

North Bentinck Arm/Dean Channel[edit]

South Bentinck Arm[edit]

Douglas Channel/Gardner Canal[edit]

Fraser River - Source to the Willow River[edit]

Nechako River[edit]

Fraser River - Nechako to Thompson Rivers[edit]

Thompson River[edit]

Fraser River below Thompson River[edit]

Skagit Bay/Puget Sound (U.S.)[edit]

Boundary Bay[edit]

English Bay[edit]

Burrard Inlet[edit]
Indian Arm[edit]

Watersheds East of the Alaska Panhandle[edit]

(south and east of the Chilkoot Pass)

Watersheds North of the Alaska Panhandle[edit]

(west of the Chilkoot Pass)

Marcus Passage watershed[edit]

Queen Charlotte Sound watershed[edit]

Douglas Channel watershed[edit]

Dean Channel watershed[edit]

Queen Charlotte Strait watershed[edit]

Islands of the British Columbia Coast watersheds[edit]

Rivers of Vancouver Island[edit]

Broughton StraitQueen Charlotte Strait watersheds[edit]
Discovery PassageJohnstone Strait watersheds[edit]
Gulf of Georgia watersheds[edit]
West Coast of Vancouver Island watersheds[edit]
Alberni Inlet-Barkley Sound[edit]
Clayoquot Sound[edit]
Nootka Sound[edit]
Strait of Juan de Fuca watersheds[edit]

Haida Gwaii watersheds[edit]

Bering Sea (Yukon River) watershed[edit]

NB only tributaries of the Yukon River in British Columbia are shown, not those in Yukon or Alaska.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]