Mason Contractors Association of America

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The Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA) is the national trade association in the United States of America representing mason contractors. The MCAA is committed to preserving and promoting the masonry industry by providing continuing education, advocating fair codes and standards, fostering a safe work environment, recruiting future manpower, and marketing the benefits of masonry materials.

The Mason Contractors Association of America has a full-time staff in Washington, D.C. representing the interests of MCAA members. The Association works closely with key members of the United States Congress, United States federal departments such as the Department of Labor, and with the Administration to advocate the interests of MCAA members. In addition to strong government affairs effort, the association supports candidates for federal office through MAC PAC, their political action committee. By contributing to campaigns, the Association has been successful in electing candidates who are mindful of the mason industry's concerns.

The Association works to promote the use of masonry products to mason industry customers. MCAA actively advertises in trade association publications, promotes technical publications and technical seminars and markets their web site and monthly magazine Masonry. The MCAA has also spearheaded the industry-wide promotion campaign, a source for architects and specifiers designing with masonry.

MCAA fights for friendlier building codes and standards for the mason contractor and designer. MCAA is active in code arenas such as the ASTM, MSJC, ASCE, and the IBC.

Each year, MCAA conducts the MCAA Convention, featuring the annual meeting, as well as strong educational programming. The MCAA offers numerous networking opportunities where mason contractors can learn first hand from the industry's leading mason contractors. At the MCAA Convention, and throughout the year, the Association conducts various classes, targeted toward mason contractors. Some programs include Masonry Foreman Development, Basic Masonry Estimating, Masonry Quality Institute, and other critical topics such as Masonry Wall Bracing and Understanding Masonry Codes and Standards.

The MCAA provides information on careers in masonry to the students and parents and high schools. The MCAA supports the establishment of both pre-apprentice and apprenticeship programs and assists local training programs to expand their on-going training efforts. The MCAA's two skills competitions, the Fastest Trowel on the Block Competition and International Masonry Skills Challenge, are industry recognized for their promotion of quality training.

Organizational structure[edit]

The full board consists of a Chairman, Chairman Elect, Treasurer, Secretary and nine Regional Vice Presidents. In addition, State Chairmen serve for each state and thirteen Committees help drive the association.


In 1950, a small group of mason contractors concerned about the well being of the masonry industry, banded together to form the Mason Contractors Association of America.

In hopes of uniting existing local mason contractors organizations into a cohesive national force acting in one voice to affect issues that were impacting the industry. These visionary leaders worked diligently to create what today has become a strong national organization helping all mason contractors to compete effectively in today's tough construction environment.

The creation of the MCAA Show in 1951 opened up a whole new field for MCAA activities. It would be an excellent showcase for the entire industry, a membership tool and possible revenue-producing vehicle. The show was officially opened with a reception line and official ribbon cutting by the President at the entrance to the show in 1952.

By 1954, the association had now developed beyond the formation stage and was beginning to tackle some of the issues that faced the masonry industry. The Material Handling Committee had several open forums relative to proposed packaging while the Apprenticeship Committee emphasized greater participation by local chapters in apprentice programs.

The year of 1955 continued the fast pace the association was setting. Memberships of the Mason Contractors Association of San Diego, Mason Contractors Association of Baltimore, Mason Contractors Association of Salt Lake City, Mason Contractors Association of Spokane, Washington, Mason Contractors Association of Pierce County (Tacoma), Washington, and individual member J.J. Steckling of St. Cloud, Minnesota were approved and swelled the MCAA ranks. This was a phenomenal growth since in 1950 MCAA had 9 chapters and in 1952 it had expanded to 22 chapters. Now in 1955, it took its place in the construction industry as a full-fledged responsible national trade association with 48 chapters and 20 applications pending.

There was a surge of enthusiasm to create new programs for the Industry during 1970. On July 22, President Allen Young and Thomas F. Murphy signed the official documents in Washington D.C. that created the International Masonry Institute. The fund was administered by five trustees appointed by MCAA. This was the start of a productive relationship.

In keeping with this fast pace, the International Masonry Industry All-Weather Council released the first edition of the "Recommended Practices for Cold Weather Masonry" in October. Thirteen editions and approximately 100,000 copies of the manual were distributed in the United States and Canada. The U.S. Corps of Engineers were major users of the booklet and many agencies adopted the manual as a guide.

After 27 years at 208 South Lasalle Street in Chicago, the Executive Office of the MCAA was moved in 1976. It became necessisary to find larger quarters, so MCAA departed for Oakbrook Terrace.

All the MCAA Committees were developing new projects in 1995. The Apprenticeship Committee was working on a curriculum for a three-year bricklayer training course, the Safety Committee was developing Tool Box Talks and videos, the Legislative Committee had created an MCAA Political Action Committee, a Foreman's course was in the works and being working on by the Education Committee, the Membership Committee was developing a Membership Service Program and Directory, and the Marketing Committee was developing a profile program which would assist all the other efforts in determining their course of action.

1997 saw the MCAA kick off its first Masonry Career Day and it drew wide attention to the issue of on-going recruitment. The purpose was to activate recruitment efforts and to draw positive attention to the masonry industry. It was a national success and Tennessee Governor Don Sundquist declared a proclamation officially declaring February 28 Masonry Career Day. Other efforts in Illinois, Arizona, California, Texas, and Washington brought the apprenticeship story to the students in middle and high schools.

In the year 2000, the MCAA celebrated its 50th birthday.

In 2003, through the hard work of our staff and Board, and through several generous contributions from our members and key chapters, our dream of establishing a permanent home for our association had been realized. The MCAA began to establish our headquarters in Schaumburg, Illinois. The new headquarters provides flexibility for growth while helping to ensure the long term financial health of the MCAA. The building is a hub of activity with association meetings and educational offerings.

In October 2007, the Mason Contractors Association of America Board of Directors approved the sale of Masonry Showcase, MCAA's annual tradeshow held as part of their convention to Hanley Wood, LLC. Under the terms of the agreement, MCAA will hold its annual convention concurrently with the World of Masonry. The move benefited the Masonry Industry by combining resources and making the World of Masonry, an integral part of World of Concrete, the masonry industry's premier event.

External links[edit]