Heather Deal

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Heather Deal is a professional biologist and Vancouver city councillor who was elected as a member of the Vision Vancouver party in 2005 and 2008. She served as a Vancouver parks board trustee for the 2002 to 2005 term as a member of Coalition of Progressive Electors.

Heather was born in England and raised in Michigan. In 1984, she moved to Vancouver and became a Canadian citizen in 1991.

Open microphone controversy[edit]

In July 2010 Deal, Councilor Tim Stevenson, and Mayor Gregor Robertson were caught on an open microphone mocking and laughing at public speakers at a council session who had called for greater transparency in the selection of a 12-person committee that will advise council on rezoning.[1][2][3] The tirade became a YouTube sensation,[2] which led to a public apology.[2] Representatives of the speakers felt that the profanity was not the issue, but the disrespect of citizens who were attempting to voice their concerns.[2][4][5][6]


External links[edit]