Promoting Trade

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service

Get on-the-ground intelligence and practical advice about foreign markets to help you make better, timelier and cost-effective decisions in order to achieve your goals abroad. Stay connected by using MY TCS: Your personal link to business intelligence from around the world.

Export and Import Controls

Are you looking to import goods to Canada or to export to another country? Find up-to-date information on controlled products and learn how to obtain the necessary permits and certificates.

Trade Missions

Trade Missions are about opening doors and developing long-term trade and investment opportunities in foreign markets for Canadian businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises, women, youth, aboriginal entrepreneurs and new exporters.

Go Global: Supporting Export Success

‘Go Global’ Workshops are providing the tools, information and support that SMEs need to take advantage of international business opportunities.

One Global Internet

Canada believes the Internet should encourage innovation and promote economic growth. Canada is committed to the Internet as a single, interoperable and unfragmented technology in order to allow Internet users to innovate, share ideas, generate prosperity and spur innovation.

Canadian Technology Accelerators

Provides Canadian high-growth market-ready companies support to access global markets and entrepreneurship services within the Information and Communication Technologies, (ICT), Life Sciences, and Sustainable Technologies industries.