
Tanzanian women at a meeting. © ACDI-CIDA/Peter Bennette

Tanzania is a young but stable democracy and it has one of Africa's stronger governance and human rights records. Institutional capacity remains weak but is slowly increasing, particularly in the ministries of Finance, Education, and Health.

The Tanzanian economy has enjoyed a decade of high growth, and the country's outlook is strong. Recent natural gas discoveries have also boosted Tanzania's economic potential. Continued emphasis on sound economic management and good governance will help develop Tanzania’s private sector and support economic growth’s contribution to poverty reduction. Currently, the country ranks 152 out of 183 on the United Nations Development Programme's 2013 Human Development Index.

Tanzania has met the target for child mortality, one of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and is on track to meet targets related to gender equality, and combatting HIV/AIDS and malaria, but is off track on others, such as reducing income poverty and maternal mortality.

Thematic Focus

In 2014, Tanzania was confirmed as a country of focus for the Government of Canada's international development efforts.

Canada’s development focus closely aligns with, and supports the achievement of the development outcomes outlined in, Tanzania's National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty II (PDF, 1.43 MB, 170 pages).

In this strategy, Tanzania's goals include:

  • improving economic growth and reducing income poverty;
  • improving the quality of life and social well-being of Tanzanians;
  • promoting accountable public institutions.

Canada's international development efforts in Tanzania contribute to poverty reduction by focusing on improving the lives of children and youth, increasing sustainable economic growth and strengthening governance in support of this strategy.

Children and youth, including maternal, newborn and child health

Canada's support is contributing to Tanzania's gains in social indicators in health and education and is contributing to Canada's Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) Initiative. A focus on maternal and child health is critical to improving the quality of life and well-being of Tanzanians. Canada supports efforts to increase access to skilled health workers, to increase the number of babies born in health facilities, to help prevent malaria and tuberculosis, to help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among youth, and to reduce its effects on children and their families. In education, Canada's support to the Government of Tanzania's efforts is helping improve the quality of teaching and increasing equitable access to secondary and vocational education.

Key anticipated results

  • Reduce maternal mortality from 454 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2008.
  • Reduce under-five mortality from 81 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2010.
  • Reduce infant mortality from 51 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2010.
  • Increase enrolment of youth in community-focused HIV/AIDS prevention and care programs.
  • Increase the number of qualified teachers, and improve the quality of the education they receive, through infrastructure upgrades at four teachers’ colleges.
  • Improve accountability and responsiveness of local and national governments on issues affecting the quality of education.

Economic growth

Canada contributes to sustainable economic growth by strengthening the Government of Tanzania's capacity for responsible and sustainable management of its extractive sector; enhancing government transparency and accountability, particularly the effective and efficient management of public finances; and strengthening the environment for business start-ups and growth, including greater access to financial services and providing young people with the skills and training to secure jobs. Through the Canada-Tanzania G-8 Partnership, announced in June 2013, Canada is bringing together government, the private sector and civil society in Tanzania to enhance transparency and accountability in the growing extractive sector.

Key anticipated results

  • Increased access to financial services and credit for poor Tanzanians.
  • Increased domestic tax revenue as a share of GDP.
  • Improved governance, transparency and accountability in the extractive sector.
  • Improved legal and regulatory frameworks and systems.
  • Increased number of technical and vocational graduates with specific skills that respond to labour market requirements in the extractive and tourism sectors.

Progress on Aid Effectiveness

Tanzania continues to be a leader in aid effectiveness, showing strong national ownership, high-level commitment to important reform areas and leadership in coordinating development efforts around its National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty. The Government of Tanzania is refining a common set of principles into a new Development Cooperation Framework (DCF) upon which to engage development partners, including civil society and private sector representatives. Canada’s development support is well aligned with Tanzania’s “Big Results Now” approach to fast-track development results in key sectors, including education and energy, and to improving the business environment.



Achievements 2012-2013

Children and youth, including maternal, newborn and child health

  • Contributed to an increase the number of babies delivered by skilled health workers from 46 percent in 2004-2005 to 59 percent in 2012-2013
  • Provided eyesight-restoring surgery to 7,750 Tanzanians and surgery for 2,027 Tanzanians with disabilities
  • Installed walk-in cold rooms (used to store vaccines) at the central Medical Stores Department and in 35 regions, through support to the One UN Program to Improve Maternal Newborn and Child Health, increasing the safe and sufficient storage capacity of vaccines from 15,546 litres in 2009 to 97,144 litres in 2012.
  • Facilitated the successful introduction of two new vaccines (rotavirus and pneumococcal) to significantly reduce child mortality due to diarrhea, pneumonia and other diseases, as a result of improved storage facilities for vaccines
  • Helped increase the number of qualified teachers in primary and secondary schools by 11 percent from 2011-12 to 2012-13, helping reduce class sizes from 64 to 47 pupils per teacher at the primary level and from 50 to 34 students per teacher at the secondary level
  • Helped increase secondary school enrolment from 24 percent in 2008 to 37 percent in 2012
  • Helped increase enrolment in vocational training by 19 percent since last year, with females now representing 47 percent of students

Economic growth

  • Helped increase the number of poor people accessing financial services from financial institutions assisted through the Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT) from 892,626 in June 2011 to 951,404 in June 2012 (a 6.6-percent increase)
  • Helped to nearly double the number of women clients accessing loans in excess of two million Tanzanian Shillings (CAD $1,290) from FSDT-supported microfinance institutions (from 2,763 in 2011 to 5,149 in June 2012)
  • Helped establish credit reference bureau, which will reduce transaction costs and enable formal financial institutions to lend to smaller borrowers
  • Helped the Government of Tanzania achieve compliant status under the Extractives Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) in December 2012. EITI promotes greater transparency and accountability in the mining industry by ensuring that mining companies publicly report all taxes and royalties and the Government of Tanzania discloses what it receives from companies.
  • Helped the Government of Tanzania develop a new human resources and payroll system, which increased data accuracy from 60 percent in 2009 to 95 percent in 2013

Achievements 2011-2012

Children and youth, including maternal, newborn and child health

  • Improved vaccination coverage from 83 percent in 2011 to 90 percent in 2012, protecting even more children against preventable diseases such as measles, tetanus and diptheria.
  • Through support to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, helped provide HIV/AIDS treatment to 280,000 people and distribute 23 million insecticide-treated bed nets in Tanzania since 2004 to prevent malaria.
  • Helped 47 percent of women of reproductive age get access to contraception, up from 20 percent in 2004.
  • Helped train 4,900 teachers to help youth prevent or cope with HIV/AIDS infection through support to the Tanzanian Commission for AIDs.
  • Through support to the World Health Organization's Stop TB Partnership, helped improve detection of tuberculosis cases in Mbeya (a poor area in rural Tanzania) by 85 percent in 12 months ― allowing infected individuals to rapidly receive treatment, improve their likelihood of being cured, and reduce the spread of the disease.
  • Helped the Government of Tanzania double enrolment in primary school since 2000 ― in 2011, 94 percent of school-aged children were enrolled in primary school ― and reduce average class sizes from 64 to 49 students in primary school.
  • Helped the Government of Tanzania increase enrolment in technical colleges by 79 percent between 2008 and 2011―from 47,000 students to 84,000 students.
  • Increased the proportion of babies delivered by skilled health workers over five years from 46 percent in 2004–2005 to 51 percent in 2010–2011.
  • Helped the Stop TB Partnership provide adult and pediatric anti-tuberculosis drugs to 110,000 people and increased early tuberculosis case detection by engaging and mentoring community health workers and traditional healers.
  • Boosted secondary school enrolment by 22 percent from 1,466,402 in 2009–2010 to 1,789,547 in 2010–2011.
  • Provided eyesight-restoring surgeries for more than 8,000 young Tanzanians.

Economic growth

  • Helped increase the number of women and youth accessing financial services by 18 percent, from 449,000 in 2010 to 532,000 in 2011, through the Financial Sector Deepening Trust.
  • Improved financial services for small businesses with new mobile money initiatives, including cell phone banking and improved data-sharing among financial institutions to increase access to credit.
  • Supported greater transparency and accountability in the mining industry with the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative by ensuring that mining companies publicly report all taxes and royalties and that the Government of Tanzania discloses what it receives from companies.
  • Helped the Government of Tanzania improve its public sector management by developing client-service charters, strategic plans and performance appraisals in most of the government's approximately 260 ministries and departments.
  • Helped increase enrolment in technical training colleges by more than 69 percent from 50,173 in 2009–2010 to 85,040 in 2010–2011.

Achievements 2010-2011

Children and youth, including maternal, newborn and child health

  • Helped increase the percentage of mothers giving birth in a health facility attended by trained personnel from 46 percent in 2004 to 50 percent in 2010.
  • Through multidonor support to the national health sector strategy, helped provide primary health care services, including maternal, newborn and child health services, to more than 43 million people through 4,600 local health facilities.
  • Helped increase cold-chain storage capacity for vaccines at the national and regional levels, allowing two new lifesaving childhood vaccines—against rotavirus and pneumococcal disease—to be introduced in the next two years.
  • Provided 13 districts with needed vaccines, medicines and health equipment and supplies.
  • Helped contribute to a 46-percent increase in secondary school enrolment and a 13-percent increase in primary school teachers between 2008 and 2011.

Economic growth

  • Helped increase credit for microenterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, and poor people from $115 million in 2009 to $190 million in 2010.

International development projects in Tanzania

International Development Project Browser

2012-2013 CIDA disbursements in Tanzania

Total: $159.21 millon