What The Flick?! Show
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'The Thin Blue Line' — Review by Jonathan Kim
Captain America - Review by Jonathan Kim
Crazy, Stupid, Love - Review by What The Flick?!
Miranda July Interview with Jonathan Kim
ReThink Review's Next Film: THE THIN BLUE LINE!
Horrible Bosses - Review by Jonathan Kim
Project Nim - Review by What The Flick?!
Tabloid - Review by What The Flick?!
Winnie the Pooh - Review by What The Flick?!
Zookeeper - Review by What The Flick?!
Horrible Bosses - Review by What The Flick?!
Larry Crowne - Review by What The Flick?!
A Better Life - Review by Jonathan Kim
Bad Teacher - Review by What The Flick?!
Cars 2 - Review by What The Flick?!
The Art Of Getting By - Review by Jonathan Kim
Mr. Popper's Penguins - Review by What The Flick?!
What The Flick?! Review - Green Lantern
Alamo Drafthouse Angry Text Voicemail
The Trip - Review by What The Flick?!
What The Flick?! Review - Super 8
Beginners - Review by Jonathan Kim
Submarine - Review by What The Flick?!
What The Flick?! - X-Men: First Class - Review
Hangover - SPOILER Discussion by What The Flick?!
What The Flick?! - The Tree of Life - Review
What The Flick?! - The Hangover 2 - Review
What The Flick?! - Everything Must Go
The First Grader - Review by Jonathan Kim
What The Flick?! - Thor - Review by What The Flick?!
Thor - Review by Jonathan Kim
The Bang Bang Club - Review by Jonathan Kim
Atlas Shrugged Part 1 - Review by Jonathan Kim
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What The Flick?!
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Feb 12, 2010
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2 days ago
No holds barred weekly film reviews
About Me:
No holds barred weekly film reviews from a variety of hosts with distinct backgrounds and personalities including Christy Lemire (AP film critic & Host of "Ebert Presents At the Movies"), Ben Mankiewicz (Host of Turner Classic Movies), and Matt Atchity (Editor In Chief, Rottentomatoes.com).

Full Credits


Host - Ben Mankiewicz
Host - Christy Lemire
Host - Matt Atchity
Guest Host - Alonso Duralde
Guest Host - Jonathan Kim
Guest Host - Cenk Uygur

Directed and Produced by:
Andrew Napier

Produced by:
Ana Kasparian

Co-produced by:
Tom Hanc
Aaron Wyscoki
Jesus Godoy
Jayar Jackson
Lucas Lilieholm
Matt Atchity
Christy Lemire

Executive Producers:
Ben Mankiewicz
Cenk Uygur
Steve Oh
David Koller
Los Angeles
What The Flick?! Show Community  
Channel Comments (315)
UglyBetty70 (2 days ago)
Is the smurfs review up? hahaha I pity the critic who had to see it.. I will pass on that one.
dinex2 (4 days ago)
"I'm probably more talented and intelligent then all of you combined"
wow what a tool. If you brag about how talented and intelligent you are on youtube, you are probably wrong.
soulsanctuarymusic1 (4 days ago)
I'm sorry guys some of your reviews are okay, but you've become way too anal and all sound like your opinion is worth it's weight in gold. I don't trust your reviews at all, as they completely fail to reflect my own taste and probably 90% of intelligent movie goers who don't have a stick up their ass. I'm probably more talented and intelligent then all of you combined, but I can still laugh at a silly movie, point out it's flaws and still be objective enough to see that it achieved what it was meant to do (Make me laugh). Pull your heads out of each others asses and actually review movies instead of just complaining about insignificant technical flaws that nobody gives a fuck about!
duncanpunisher (5 days ago)
Christy Lemire is on Ebert Presents At the Movies, not exactly a Joe nobody program.
MegaNikkinoodles (1 week ago)
i understand why these people are on a joe nobody program, if you can call it a program.
KillRhythm (1 week ago)
I swear I can't watch a WTF without yelling to my screen, "SHUT THE FUCK UP. BEN!"

Endless cynicism is so damned boring.

I have no doubt it played a part in his divorce.
nietzscheprime (2 weeks ago)
Winnie The Pooh, yay :D
Auraruth8 (2 weeks ago)
Man I can tell you from watching these reviews these people really have no idea about plots and storyline structure at all. Never mind the spoilers. They do not seem to understand movies. Ben and Cenk get movies a little more at least.
SuperBenzid (2 weeks ago)
Surprised you spoiled horrible bosses. Won't be watching your reviews again, too risky. Very unprofessional
account924 (2 weeks ago)
is there a list for the movies that WTF reviewed so far?
so we can see the average numbers and maybe which commentators gave that number.
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