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Updated Justice Robin Camp should be removed for sex assault trial mistakes, inquiry hears in closing arguments
Justice Robin Camp has a "strong moral compass" and his mistreatment of a complainant in a sexual assault trial in 2014 was due to ignorance that has since been rectified, his lawyer told a Canadian Judicial Council inquiry Monday, in a bid to save the judge's job.
Updated Sir John Franklin's long-lost HMS Terror believed found
What's believed to be the wreck of HMS Terror, one of Sir John Franklin's two ships lost in the doomed 1845 Franklin Expedition, has been found in a Nunavut bay.
Updated Ontario promises electricity bill rebates in throne speech
The Ontario government promised in a throne speech on Monday that it will provide rebates to urban and rural residents and small businesses to help offset high electricity rates.
Analysis Last-ditch diplomacy yields an imperfect Syria deal — and boost for Assad
The U.S.-Russia deal coming into effect at sundown tonight is aimed at ending the fighting yes, but it also reaffirms Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s longstanding view that the only battle worth fighting in his country is that against extremists. What's understood perfectly is that such reconciliation is only possible with Assad at the helm.
Edmonton family brings home black widow spider in bag of grapes video
Susan Bellhouse bought a bag of grapes from a store in Edmonton's Sherwood Park. But the snack came with a spooky surprise.