Infrastructure Canada

Strong, modern, world-class public infrastructure is a key factor in achieving the Government of Canada's priorities of a stronger economy, a cleaner environment, and more prosperous, safer communities. Infrastructure Canada leads the Government of Canada's efforts in addressing Canada's public infrastructure challenges.

We are in the process of moving our services and information to

Our current Infrastructure Canada website will remain available until the move to is complete.


Our services and information

New Building Canada Plan

Read about the $53B New Building Canada Plan, the largest and longest federal infrastructure plan in our nation's history.

New Bridge for the St. Lawrence Corridor Project

Find information about the Government of Canada’s plans for a new bridge for the St. Lawrence Corridor Project.

What we are doing


NBCF: How to apply

Discover how to apply for funding under the New Building Canada Fund.

Federal Gas Tax Fund

The $2-billion-a-year federal Gas Tax Fund supports local infrastructure priorities and benefits Canadians in all municipalities.

Design: New bridge for the St. Lawrence

On June 27, 2014, the Government of Canada announced the design of the new bridge for the St. Lawrence that bidders for the project's public-private partnership will have to comply with.

Corporate information

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