Transport Canada

Transport Canada is responsible for transportation policies and programs. We promote safe, secure, efficient and environmentally responsible transportation.

We are a federal institution, leading the Transport Canada portfolio and working with our partners.

We are in the process of moving our services and information to

Our current Transport Canada website will remain available until the move to is complete.



Our services and information

Flying an unmanned aircraft

Unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) include model aircraft and remotely piloted aircraft systems, which are also known as drones. More and more people are operating such aircraft for work or pleasure. Anyone who flies an unmanned air vehicle must comply with legislated safety requirements.

Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARS)

The Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) are the result of the consolidation of the Air Regulations and Air Navigation Orders. These revised and updated regulations and standards cover every aspect of civil aviation in Canada, including airline operations, flight crew licensing and aircraft maintenance.

Child car seats

Parents and other caregivers need to stay up-to-date with the latest information on child car seats and booster seats, in order to keep their children as safe as possible while on the road.

Importing a vehicle into Canada

Prior to importing into Canada a vehicle purchased abroad or returning to Canada with a vehicle modified outside the country, the owner must ensure that the vehicle qualifies for importation re-entry into Canada.

Pleasure Craft Operator Competency program

The Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations require all operators of pleasure boats fitted with any type of motor and used for recreational purposes to carry proof of competency.

All of our services and information

What we are doing


Vehicle recalls

Receive recall information directly. Register with your manufacturer!

Flying an unmanned aircraft

More and more people are using unmanned aircraft for work or pleasure. Transport Canada regulates their use to keep the public and our airspace safe.

Grade Crossing Improvement Program

Learn how the program helps improve safety at railway crossings across Canada.

Corporate information

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