
A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, such as a product or a process. Learn about, search for or apply for registration.


Services and information

What are patents?

Whether you develop new technology or improve well-known products or processes, you'll want to know more about patents.

Guide to patents

This guide provides you with an introduction to patents and patenting procedures. It will help you understand what patents are and get started with your patent application.

Patent tutorial

This tutorial will help you write your patent application and will give you general information about patents and the patent process in Canada.

Canadian Patents Database

Search records for laid-open applications and patents granted since August 1978.

Apply for a Canadian patent registration

Follow the step-by-step process to file your Canadian patent application.

PCT E-Filing

Submit an international patent application to the Canadian Intellectual Property Office.

Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)—Fast-Track Examination

If you have a patent application with one of Canada's PPH partners, you may be able to significantly fast-track your patent application.

View patent fees

Check fees for patent filing, examination, maintenance and other services.

Pay maintenance fees

Pay your patent maintenance fees electronically or find out about other payment methods.

Order patent documents

Place an order for copies and certified copies of patent documents.

Find a patent agent

Access a list of patent agents by name or geographic area.

Patent Appeal Board

Learn about the role and activities of the Patent Appeal Board.

What we are doing

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