Wildlife of Andorra

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Andorran landscape

The flora and fauna of Andorra are similar to that found elsewhere in the Pyrenees.


Chestnut and walnut trees grow only in the area around Sant Julià de Lòria, the lowest settlement. Elsewhere, evergreen oaks are still common. Higher regions and many valleys have pines, firs, and various forms of subalpine and alpine plant life. At the highest altitudes there are no trees, but grass is plentiful during the summer. There are carnations, violets, bellflowers, and daisies, as well as blackberries, wild strawberries, and moss.[citation needed]


Bears, wolves, foxes, martens, Pyrenean chamois, rabbits, hares, eagles, vultures, wild ducks, and geese may be found in isolated areas. The mountain streams contain trout, pike, and crayfish.[citation needed]

See also[edit]
