Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations

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The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN), formerly known as the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, is a Saskatchewan-based First Nations organization. The FSIN represents 74 First Nations in Saskatchewan. The Federation is committed to honouring the spirit and intent of the Treaties, as well as the promotion, protection and implementation of the Treaty promises that were made more than a century ago.


The seeds of the organization were planted when Chiefs and leaders gathered in Fort Qu'Appelle in 1946, emerging with an organization to advocate for the rights of First Nations people -- the Union of Saskatchewan Indians. The Union was created with the merger of two other groups, the Protective Association for the Indians and their Treaties, and the Association of Saskatchewan Indians, (officially incorporated in 1945 with Joe Dreaver as president).

In 1958, the First Nations leaders gathered in Fort Qu'Appelle and reviewed the constitution of the Union, replacing it with a new organization that more fairly represented the First Nations reality. It was decided that the organization be looked upon as a federation of bands and that the power reside in the hands of the Chiefs. The Union evolved into the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians.

In April 1982, the First Nations signed the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Convention and agreed to unite in a common front to protect and preserve First Nations' Treaty rights and their political, economic, social and cultural characteristics. The political convention outlined a governing structure that consisted of the Chiefs-in-Assembly, a Senate, an Elders' Council, an Executive Council and an Indian Government Commission.

In May 2016 the FSIN Chiefs-in-Assembly voted to change the name to the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations.[1]

List of Presidents and Chiefs[edit]

Presidents and Chiefs of the FSI and FSIN include:[2]

  • John Tootoosis (1958-1961)
  • David Knight (1961-1964)
  • Wilfred Bellegarde (1964-66)
  • Walter Deiter (1966-68)
  • David Ahenakew (1968-1978)
  • Albert Bellegarde (1978-1979)
  • Sol Sanderson (1979-1986)
  • Roland Crowe (1986-1994)
  • Blaine Favel (1994-1998)
  • Perry Bellegarde (1998-2003)
  • Alphonse Bird (2003-2006)
  • Lawrence Joseph (2006-2009)
  • Guy Lonechild (2009-2011)
  • Morley Watson Interim (2011-2012)
  • Perry Bellegarde (2012-2014)
  • Kim Jonathan Interim (2014-2015)
  • Bobby Cameron (2015-Present)


List of Saskatchewan First Nations[edit]

Name Location Population Language Number Size
Carry the Kettle First Nation 53 miles East of Regina along the TransCanada #1 Highway 2387 (850 on reserve, 1537 off reserve Nakota (Assiniboine) 378 15 km x 13 km
Cowesses First Nation 20 kilometres North of Broadview, off highway #1 3526 (712 on reserve) Cree, Salteaux, English 73 8 miles x 12 miles
Fishing Lake First Nation Near Wadena 1500 Saulteaux 390 233 acres
George Gordon First Nation 8 km from Punnichy, 125 km NE of Regina 3106 (1100 on reserve) Cree and Saulteaux 86 145 square km
Kahkewistahaw First Nation 150km east of Regina Nil Nil 362 Nil
Kawacatoose First Nation Near Raymore, Quinton, Punnichy 2746 (731 on reserve, 115 rural towns, 1900 urban / off reserve) Cree and Ojibway 88 6 square km + 12,200 acres purchased land
Lac la Ronge First Nation Multi-Community: Reserves at La Ronge, Stanley Mission, Grandmother's Bay, Little Red River, Sucker River and Hall Lake. 8,666 Woodland Cree 353 6 Reserve Communities and 18 Separate Reserve lands, with a total land mass of 107,001 acres. The acreage of each reserve ranges from .49 acres to 34,955 acres.
Piapot First Nation 50 km NE of Regina in the Qu'Appelle Valley 2020 (580 on reserve) Cree 385 6 miles x 5 miles
Sakimay First Nation 100 km E of Regina 1412 Nakawe (Saulteaux) 364 Nil
Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation Qu'Appelle Valley 1,111 Dakota 386 2,246.1 Hectares
Poundmaker Cree First Nation North Battleford 1281 (505 on reserve) Cree Nil Nil
Little Pine First Nation 53 km NW of Battleford Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mosquito Grizzly Bear's Head First Nation 30 km S of Battleford 1243 (644 on reserve) Nil Nil Nil
Lucky Man First Nation 60 km E of North Battleford near Mayfair Nil Nil Nil Nil
Day Star First Nation Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
George Gordon First Nation Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Muskowekwan First Nation Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Whitecap Dakota First Nation 26 km S of Saskatoon 521 Dakota 372 4,913 acres
Yellow Quill First Nation 267 km NE of Saskatoon Nil Saulteaux Nil 5,926.4 Hectares
Big River First Nation Debden Nil Nil Nil Nil
Pelican Lake First Nation Leaville Nil Nil Nil Nil
Witchekan First Nation Spiritwood Nil Nil Nil Nil
Ahtahkakoop First Nation Shell Lake Nil Nil Nil Nil
Moosomin First Nation Cochin Nil Nil Nil Nil
Red Pheasant First Nation Cando Nil Nil Nil Nil
Sweetgrass First Nation Gallivan Nil Nil Nil Nil
Young Chippewayan First Nation Gallivan Nil Nil Nil Nil
Little Black Bear First Nation Goodeve Nil Nil Nil Nil
Muscowpetung First Nation Fort Qu'Appelle Nil Nil Nil Nil
Nekaneet First Nation Maple Creek Nil Nil Nil Nil
Okanese First Nation Balcarres Nil Nil Nil Nil
Pasqua First Nation Fort Qu'Appelle Nil Nil Nil Nil
Peepeekisis First Nation Balcarres Nil Nil Nil Nil
Piapot First Nation Zehner Nil Nil Nil Nil
Standing Buffalo First Nation Fort Qu'Appelle Nil Nil Nil Nil
Star Blanket First Nation Balcarres Nil Nil Nil Nil
Wood Mountain First Nation Assiniboia Nil Nil Nil Nil
Birch Narrows First Nation Tumor Lake Nil Nil Nil Nil
Buffalo River First Nation Dillon Nil Nil Nil Nil
Canoe Lake First Nation Canoe Narrows Nil Nil Nil Nil
Clearwater River Dene First Nation La Loche Nil Nil Nil Nil
English River First Nation Patuanak Nil Nil Nil Nil
Flying Dust First Nation Meadow Lake Nil Nil Nil Nil
Island Lake First Nation Loon Lake Nil Nil Nil Nil
Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation Loon Lake Nil Nil Nil Nil
Waterhen Lake First Nation Waterhen Lake Nil Nil Nil Nil
Opawakoscikan First Nation Prince Albert Nil Nil Nil Nil
Black Lake Denesuline First Nation Black Lake Nil Nil Nil Nil
Cumberland House Cree First Nation Cumberland House Nil Nil Nil Nil
Fond Du Lac Denesuline First Nation Fond Du Lac Nil Nil Nil Nil
Hatchet Lake Denesuline First Nation Wollaston Lake Nil Nil Nil Nil
James Smith First Nation Melfort Nil Nil Nil Nil
Montreal Lake Cree First Nation Montreal Lake Nil Nil Nil Nil
Peter Ballantyne Cree First Nation Pelican Narrows Nil Nil Nil Nil
Red Earth First Nation Red Earth Nil Nil Nil Nil
Shoal Lake First Nation Pakwaw Lake Nil Nil Nil Nil
Sturgeon Lake First Nation Shellbrook Nil Nil Nil Nil
Wahpetan Dakota First Nation Prince Albert Nil Nil Nil Nil
Kinistin Saulteaux First Nation Tisdale Nil Nil Nil Nil
Mistawasis First Nation Leask Nil Nil Nil Nil
Muskeg Lake Cree First Nation Marcelin Nil Nil Nil Nil
Muskoday First Nation Muskoday Nil Nil Nil Nil
One Arrow First Nation Bellevue Nil Nil Nil Nil
Ochapowace First Nation Whitewood Nil Nil Nil Nil
White Bear First Nation Carlyle Nil Nil Nil Nil
Cote First Nation Kamsack Nil Nil Nil Nil
Kahkewistahaw First Nation Broadview Nil Nil Nil Nil
Keeseekoose First Nation Kamsack Nil Nil Nil Nil
Key First Nation Norquay Nil Nil Nil Nil
Ocean Man First Nation Stoughton Nil Nil Nil Nil
Beardy's & Okemasis First Nation Duck Lake Nil Nil Nil Nil
Big Island First Nation Pierceland Nil Nil Nil Nil
Chacachas First Nation Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Chakastapaysin First Nation Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Onion Lake Cree Nation Onion Lake Nil Nil Nil Nil
Peter Chapman First Nation Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Pheasant Rump Nakota First Nation Kisbey Nil Nil Nil Nil
Saulteaux First Nation Cochin Nil Nil Nil Nil
Thunderchild First Nation Turtleford Nil Nil Nil Nil


  • Opekokew, Delia. "The First Nations: Indian Government and the Canadian Confederation" (Saskatoon: Federation of Saskatchewan Indians, 1980)

External links[edit]