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TransCanada in eye of the storm

Claudia Cattaneo | 11/09/08 | Last Updated: 11/09/09 8:49 AM ET
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TransCanada CEO Russ Girling.
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In the Calgary executive offices of TransCanada Corp., the eye of the storm of the $7-billion Keystone XL controversy, president and CEO Russ Girling stoically takes stock of the toll of the extended review process on his company so far.

Amount spent to date: $1.7-billion; land procured: 90%; ordered and arriving: 2,673 kilometres of 36-inch steel pipe; public hearings so far: 90; labour contracts: signed; construction contracts: in place; job openings in the United States waiting to be filled: 20,000.

Delay in obtaining a regulatory approval from the U.S. Department of State: 15 to 20 months, and counting; management time, resources and grief: huge.

It’s a scenario that Mr. Girling, a University of Calgary commerce/MBA grad who took over as leader of the storied Canadian pipeline company a year ago, admits he didn’t expect and that was never envisioned in the project’s planning, which started six years ago.

“There is no way we could have ever predicted that we would become the lightning rod for a debate around fossil fuels and the development of the Canadian oil sands,” Mr. Girling said in an interview. “The pipeline itself is routine. It’s something we do every day. It will be a safe pipeline.”

He notes that TransCanada has built similar pipelines in North America for half a century, that there are 200,000 miles of similar coil pipe in the United States today, that with the 57 improvements above standard requirements demanded by U.S. regulators so far, Keystone XL will be the safest pipeline ever built.

Yet the symbolization of Keystone XL by the environmental community as the tipping point between a future based on fossil fuels, or a future based on greener energy alternatives, has made the granting of a permit such a sensitive political issue with the election-facing U.S. President that it’s not a sure thing.

The U.S. State Department has promised to deliver a decision by the end of the year, after it holds yet another series of public hearings in September and October and a parallel process about whether Keystone XL, which would transport up to 900,000 barrels a day of oil from Alberta and from newly productive conventional fields in the United States, is in the public interest.

Mr. Girling does not expect a further delay.

If the permit is turned down, TransCanada has no Plan B.

But Mr. Girling said the bigger implications are for the United States, which he believes is hardly awaiting the rosy future the environmental movement claims someone will deliver.

The unhappiest lot will be refiners in the Gulf Coast, who are facing in the next couple of years expiring contracts for oil from Venezuela, and grim prospects to get it back, since China has already stepped in to grab it for its own use.

“The facts are that the U.S. needs 10 million barrels a day of imported oil,” Mr. Girling said. “That is not going to change any time soon. This is not a debate of oil versus alternative energy. This is a debate about whether you want to get your oil from Canada or Venezuela or Nigeria. Our customers are telling us we are directly displacing barrels that would have come from Venezuela. The facts are that national security and energy security is enhanced by the building of this pipeline and delivering Canadian oil into this market place.”

If Canadian oil doesn’t reach the Gulf on an environmentally friendly buried pipeline, Mr. Girling said the alternative is oil that will be brought in by tanker, a mode of transportation that produces higher greenhouse gas emissions and that puts the environment at greater risk.

The other angry groups will be thousands of suppliers and service providers across the continent who have been waiting for the permit and will have to look for other work in an already soft U.S. economy.

“We soldier on with our process, but there are a lot of people affected by the delays,” Mr. Girling said.

Meanwhile, it’s a sure bet that oil production from the oil sands, the real target of Keystone XL opponents, will continue to grow, because developers will find buyers elsewhere, particularly the welcoming Chinese.

“The Canadian oil sands are a very, very important resource for Canada, North America and for the world,” he said. “It will be developed responsibly. All of this discussion in the marketplace will force it to be done better and more environmentally sensitive previous to this discussion. But nonetheless, it’s going to get developed.”

Whatever the outcome, industry is learning from the delays, the anger, the-zero tolerance for accidents, he says. It’s learning that the public has the right to be assured that infrastructure is safe and responsibly built and that projects will be battlegrounds for broader issues.

“The legitimate issues are public safety, reliability, environmental protection,” Mr. Girling said. “And so we had to up our game to improve on all of those fronts. Certainly the incidents that have occurred over the last year would suggest that there is room for improvement, and as an industry we are working to improve on all those fronts.”

Mr. Girling will continue to make himself available to U.S. regulators in the coming months to highlight the facts about Keystone, and the reality of life without it.

It’s that reality — not the false promises, the fabrications, the rhetoric bandied about by celebrities — that keeps him confident that the pipeline will be approved.

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