East Anglian English

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Location of East Anglia within England.

East Anglian English is a dialect of English spoken in East Anglia. This easternmost area of England was probably home to the first-ever form of language which can be called English.[clarification needed] East Anglian English has had a very considerable input into the formation of Standard English, and contributed importantly to the development of American English[citation needed]; it has also experienced multilingualism on a remarkable scale. However, it has received little attention from the media and is not easily recognised by people from other parts of the UK. The UEA linguist Peter Trudgill has written at length about the Norfolk dialect in his work, and is a member of the Friends of Norfolk Dialect group.

East Anglian English contains:

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

  • Sounds Familiar? – Listen to examples of regional accents and dialects from across the UK on the British Library's 'Sounds Familiar' website
  • East Anglian English, Oxford English Dictionary