Community of Protestant Churches in Europe

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The Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) is a fellowship of over 100 Protestant churches which have signed the Leuenberg Agreement. Together they strive for realizing church fellowship, especially by cooperation in witness and service to the world. Prior to 2003 the CPCE was known as the "Leuenberg Church Fellowship".

Members are most Lutheran and Reformed churches in Europe, the United churches that originated from mergers of these churches, and pre-Reformation churches such as the Waldensians. The European Methodist churches joined the CPCE by a common declaration of church fellowship in 1997.

The General Secretary is the Reverend Dr Michael Bünker (who is also Bishop of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Austria). The offices of the CPCE are located in Vienna, Austria, shared with the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Austria.

Member Churches[edit]

External links[edit]

See Also[edit]