Italian Methodist Church

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The Italian Methodist Church or theMethodist Church in Italy was founded in the 19th century by British and American missionaries. The work become difficult in the fascist regime, but finally the Evangelical Methodist Church was born in 1946. It was a district of the British conference till 1962, when it become fully independent organized as a non-episcopal Methodist .

The Italian Methodist Church merged with the Waldensian Evangelical Church in 1975, resulting in the Union of Methodist and Waldensian Churches.[1] church in 1975, one church, one Synod, but the two parts maintained their own identity, ecumenical relations and administration and projects. It has 4,000 members and 50 congregations.[2] Contextually the Action for Methodist Churches in Italy was established in order to sustain ecumenical relations, maintain the connection with world Methodism, administer Methodist properties such as churches, and finance the work of pastors and deacons.[3]


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