List of Prime Ministers of Canada by place of birth

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This is a list of the Prime Ministers of Canada by their birthplace.

Canada (19)[edit]

Alberta (1)[edit]

Joe Clark, High River (Progressive Conservative)

British Columbia (1)[edit]

Kim Campbell, Port Alberni (Progressive Conservative)

New Brunswick (1)[edit]

Richard Bedford Bennett, Hopewell Hill (Conservative)

Nova Scotia (3)[edit]

Sir John Sparrow David Thompson, Halifax (Conservative)

Sir Charles Tupper, Amherst (Conservative)

Sir Robert Laird Borden, Grand-Pré (Conservative and Unionist)

Ontario (7)[edit]

Arthur Meighen, Anderson (now Perth South) (Unionist and Conservative)

William Lyon Mackenzie King, Berlin (now Kitchener) (Liberal)

John Diefenbaker, Neustadt (Progressive Conservative)

Lester Bowles Pearson, Newtonbrook (now a neighbourhood in Toronto) (Liberal)

Paul Martin, Windsor (Liberal)

Stephen Harper, Toronto (Conservative)

Justin Trudeau, Ottawa (Liberal)

Quebec (6)[edit]

Sir John Abbott, Saint-André-Est (Conservative)

Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Saint-Lin (Liberal)

Louis St. Laurent, Compton (Liberal)

Pierre Trudeau, Montreal (Liberal)

Brian Mulroney, Baie-Comeau (Progressive Conservative)

Jean Chrétien, Shawinigan (Liberal)

United Kingdom (4)[edit]

England (2)[edit]

Sir Mackenzie Bowell, Rickinghall (Conservative)

John Napier Turner, Richmond (Liberal)

Scotland (2)[edit]

Sir John A. Macdonald, Glasgow (Liberal-Conservative)

Alexander Mackenzie, Logierait (Liberal)