Michael Zehaf-Bibeau's body buried in Libya, says cousin

FILE - This undated file image provided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police shows Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, who shot a soldier to death at Canada's national war memorial day on Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014. Radical Muslim Michael Zehaf-Bibeau killed a soldier outside Canada's parliament. Right-wing extremist Larry McQuilliams opened fire on buildings in Texas' capital and tried to burn down the Mexican Consulate. Al-Qaida-inspired Michael Adebowale and an accomplice hacked an off-duty soldier to death in London. Police said the three perpetrators of recent attacks were terrorists and motivated by ideology. Authorities and family members said they may have been mentally ill. (AP Photo/Vancouver Police via The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, File) // na1217 MacKay ISIL

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The body of Oct. 22 gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been buried in Libya, the Citizen has learned.

The Embassy of Libya in Ottawa confirmed Friday that Zehaf-Bibeau’s body was sent to Libya last year. A family member in that country said the body was buried in mid-November.

Zehaf-Bibeau’s cousin, Ashraf Zehaf, told the Citizen through a translator this week that the gunman’s father, Bulgasem Zehaf, travelled to Libya to bury his son.

“Regarding Bulgasem, he usually comes and visits Libya to check up on his family and to see them. But this time, it was for the burial of his son in his native country,” said Ashraf Zehaf, who lives in Zawiya, west of the Libyan capital of Tripoli.

In Ottawa, Libyan consular official Khalifa Alghuwel confirmed through his spokesman and translator that the body was released to Bulgasem Zehaf to take to the North African country.

“His parents took care of that. His father was here, and he took care of that. So the embassy stamped the (papers) he provided, and when the body was released, when it left, it was all family business that took care of that,” he said Friday.

Alghuwel said that not much paperwork is involved, and that the embassy pays all associated fees to transport a body for people unable to afford it — which wasn’t the case for Zehaf-Bibeau’s family.

“They request the certificate of death from the (relevant) authorities in Canada and they ask them to have it authenticated,” Alghuwel said.

Getting the Department of Foreign Affairs to authenticate a death certificate involves a form that takes up to 15 business days to process and return.

“Whenever those two steps are completed, it takes the embassy no time; it will be done almost immediately,” Alghuwel said.

The Citizen emailed a request for more details to family members of Zehaf-Bibeau in Canada this week. As of Friday afternoon, there was no response.

Zehaf-Bibeau, who was 32, travelled to Ottawa in early October from Western Canada. On the morning of Oct. 22, he shot and killed Cpl. Nathan Cirillo at the National War Memorial, then rushed to Parliament Hill, where he was killed inside the Centre Block in a shootout with security.

Ottawa’s regional coroner released Zehaf-Bibeau’s body in mid-November, but can’t say by law where it went. According to Canada’s border safety laws, exporting a body from Canada only requires federal paperwork when the body contains a communicable disease; otherwise, the receiving country sets the paperwork requirements.

Ashraf Zehaf said his cousin was buried in the Chaib’s Eye Cemetery, in Zawiya’s city centre. He claimed the family faced some difficulty in getting the body out of Canada, delaying the funeral for weeks, but he did not provide details.

“The burial was done in the way of his religion, of Islam: they prayed for him with prayers for the deceased, then laid him to rest,” he said.

“Michael is a good person on the inside, and he’s kind and affectionate,” said Zehaf. He said he believed Zehaf-Bibeau was likely not brainwashed into extremist views, because he didn’t like extremists and was the type of person who thought critically.

Instead, Zehaf said his Libyan family feels that Zehaf-Bibeau was frustrated in some earlier attempts to return to Libya, his father’s homeland, which he had visited as a child.

“Michael, just like others, wanted to go to the land of his father to visit family and offer condolences to his family members who were killed by (ousted dictator Moammar) Gadhafi.”


Zehaf said he wasn’t aware of Zehaf-Bibeau’s lengthy history of drug problems, which the Citizen reported last fall, and only learned he had mental health issues and had spent time in prison through news media reports after the shooting.

“As for Abdullah — or ‘Michael Zehaf-Bibeau’ — his family has accepted the (fact of what happened Oct. 22) and they believe that Abdullah carried out this act as a result of his own narrow-mindedness, and that it was wrong,” said Zehaf, using the first name the family in Libya used for him.

The cousin has read reports that police believe Zehaf-Bibeau’s inability to get a passport expedited his actions. Zehaf said that Islam calls on Muslims to follow their country’s laws, or to move away if they feel they can’t live their faith freely in that country.

“It does not justify his attack towards the head of government, and doesn’t make it right to kill a soul. Because in our religion, we believe that if someone kills one person, it’s as if they killed all of humanity.”

But he noted: “As for the public opinion in Libya, there are some here who call him a hero, there are some who consider it a big crime, and some who don’t care about the situation.

“I think that this is very normal in any country, because not all people know the whole truth about the story.”

Zehaf said he feels Canadian authorities provoked the Oct. 22 attack by denying a troubled young man the freedom to travel abroad.

“The Canadian government is primarily responsible for all of this. Of course (Zehaf-Bibeau) thought that Canada was thinking to attack a Muslim country, Iraq, and he didn’t know the reality of ISIL. He thought ISIL was the Islamic country he wanted; that it was what every real Muslim, or any lover of peace, wanted.

“But he was cheated by ISIL. Even us Muslims don’t want ISIL because it does not represent peace. Even I was cheated by their Islamic symbols — but when I saw the killings, I knew they were not Muslims.”

The Citizen first contacted Ashraf Zehaf in November. At the time, he didn’t want to talk, in part because he had read multiple reports about the Oct. 22 shootings online through websites that gave only rough, automatic translations.

“Canadian media is twisting the story and I have seen many journalists lie and relate the issue to religion when there are no ties to religion. They ruined the image of Islam and ruined the image of Abdullah with their narratives,” he said by phone at the time.

He later agreed to speak, because “we want you to know that all Muslims aren’t evil; some are good and some are not good.”

The city in which he lives, Zawiya, has seen intense fighting in recent months, while an ISIL-inspired group some 1,000 kilometres away in eastern Libya grabbed the world’s attention earlier this month. Both are the product of scores of militias unleashed shortly after a 2011 NATO air-bombing campaign assisted rebels in toppling Gadhafi’s ruthless rule.

Zehaf said the instability delayed Zehaf-Bibeau’s father, Bulgasem Zehaf, from leaving Libya last December, as rebels held the international airport near Tripoli. But he said it had been easier for Bulgasem to enter Libya since the previous authoritarian system was gone.

Ashraf Zehaf said he was glad to see Gadhafi removed, but is critical of countries, such as Canada, that participated in the airstrikes for leaving a chaotic patchwork of armed groups still clashing to fill the power vacuum.

He also said this month’s purported ISIL video didn’t cause much controversy in Libya.

“Libyans mostly believe that this ISIL video was fabricated, and (we’re) not convinced by it because as you know, there are two parties in Libya conflicting for power,” Zehaf said.

“Since Islamic terrorism became a scapegoat for governments around the world, (ISIL) became something that the government can control. The government describes it as terrorism in order to allow it to remove those groups by force, although what qualifies as terrorism is still determined by — who knows — Ms. America?”

“As for our lives, of course they would be affected like any country would be affected,” said Zehaf, who says his family navigates a patchwork of areas held by a mix of peaceful and dangerous armed factions. “The war made a recession and low salaries,” he said.

“Yes, the situation in Libya is difficult. We hope that the situation will change in Libya, as you said, for the better.”

– With files from Priscilla Hwang




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