Cabinet of Belize

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The Cabinet of Belize[1] is the executive body of the government of Belize.


Ministry Minister Minister of State
Prime Minister Dean O. Barrow (Prime Minister)
Gaspar Vega (Deputy Prime Minister)
Finance, Public Service, Energy & Public Utilities Dean O. Barrow Frank "Papa" Mena
Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment and Sustainable Development Gaspar Vega Omar Figueroa
Economic Development, Petroleum, Investment, Trade and Commerce Erwin Contreras Tracy Taegar-Panton (also Finance)
Housing and Urban Development Michael Finnegan
Education (Science and Technology), Culture, Youth and Sports Patrick Faber Elodio Aragon Jr.
Tourism and Civil Aviation Jose Manuel Heredia Jr.
Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation Anthony Martinez
National Security John Saldivar
Works, Transport & NEMO Rene Montero Edmond Castro
Foreign Affairs Wilfred Elrington
Health (NHI, Primary Health Care) Pablo Marin Angel Campos
Labor, Local Government and Rural Development Hugo Patt
Natural Resources and Immigration Senator Godwin Hulse Beverly Castillo
Attorney General Vanessa Retreage


  1. ^ "Cabinet". Government of Belize. Retrieved January 28, 2016.