[Democracy Watch logo]

Cleaning up and making governments and corporations more accountable to you,
and making Canada the world's leading democracy!
www.cleangovernment.ca        www.cleancorporations.ca

Federal Election 2008

1 year and 312 days ago, Parliament passed the federal Conservatives' so-called government "Accountability Act", but one of the Act's 30 measures is still not in force (and the Conservatives broke 28 of their government accountability / democratic reform promises)!  For details, click here   and click here

Canada's Big Banks can't easily be held accountable!
For details, click here

Inquiries are needed into 16 questionable situations in federal Canadian politics from the past 15 years!  For details, click here

None of Ontario's parties promised key democratic reforms in the 2007 provincial election!  For details, click here

Canada's government accountability is worse than many other countries!  For details, click here

Government Accountability Fund
""One organization has been relentless in its push to raise the standards of accountability in politics.  It's called Democracy Watch."

Peter Van Dusen, Host
CPAC's PrimeTime Politics show
(January 28, 2006)

"Democracy Watch, a tenacious advocacy group for cleaner government."

Maclean's magazine
(October 16, 2006)

(Click here to read more quotations)

PLEASE NOTE: Democracy Watch (Canada) was the first organization in the world called "Democracy Watch" and is not affiliated or linked in any way to any other organization called "Democracy Watch"

Contact in Ottawa, Canada at tel: 613-241-5179

Website last updated: October 22, 2008