Marie-Joseph Lagrange

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Marie-Joseph Lagrange

Marie-Joseph Lagrange (7 March 1855, Bourg-en-Bresse – 10 March 1938, Marseille; earlier Albert Marie-Henri Lagrange) was a Catholic priest in the Dominican Order and founder of the École Biblique in Jerusalem. A scholar of wide-ranging interests, he was the author of Critique textuelle; II, La critique rationnelle (Paris, 1936), an influential handbook of textual theory and method as related to the textual criticism of the New Testament.

Further reading[edit]

  • Jean Guitton, Portrait du père Lagrange, celui qui a réconcilié la science et la foi, Robert Laffont, 1992.
  • Bernard Montagnes, Marie-Joseph Lagrange - Une biographie critique, Paris, Cerf, 2004.

External links[edit]