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Dedicated by Moris and Lillian Tabacinic · In loving memory of Menachem Mendel and Shaindel Tabacinic
Exodus Generation Condemned to Die in Desert (1312 BCE)
On the Ninth of Av of the year 2449 from creation (1312 BCE), the generation of Jews who came out of... Read More »
Holy Temples Destroyed; Birth of Moshiach (423 BCE and 69 CE)
Both the first and second Holy Temples which stood in Jerusalem were destroyed on Av 9: the First... Read More »
Fall of Betar (133 CE)
Betar, the last stronghold in the heroic Bar Kochba rebellion, fell to the Romans on the 9th of Av of... Read More »
Expulsion from England (1290)
The Jews of England were expelled by King Edward I on this date in... Read More »
The Spanish Expulsion (1492)
The Jews of Spain were expelled by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella on the 9th of Av of 1492... Read More »
The mournful paragraph of Tzidkatecha Tzedek is omitted from the afternoon... Read More »
The Shabbat before the Ninth of Av is called Shabbat Chazon ("Shabbat of Vision") after the opening... Read More »
Because of the holiness of Shabbat, the Fast of the Ninth of Av mourning destruction of the Temple... Read More »
Said Rabbi Berechia: The Exodus from Egypt is comparable to a fat man who is riding on a donkey. The donkey longs: "O when will he get off me"; and he longs: "O when will I get off the donkey." As soon as he gets off, the man is happy and the donkey is happy. Still I do not know: who is the happier? [So the Psalmist proclaims:] "Egypt rejoiced when they went"
– Midrash Tehilim

If you were there
and the forces of destruction
were about to destroy Jerusalem
and you had the power to do something about it,
would you sit and mourn and cry?

Or would you turn the world
on its head
to change history?

So what is stopping you?
Turn over the whole world now!

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