Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation

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Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation is an Asinīskāwiyiniwak (Rocky Cree) First Nation band government in northern Saskatchewan consisting of eight communities: Amisk Lake, Deschambeault Lake, Kinoosao, Pelican Narrows, Prince Albert, Sandy Bay, Southend and Sturgeon Landing. The administrative centre of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation is Pelican Narrows.


The current elected Chief is Peter A. Beatty. Chief Beatty was previously an elected Councillor from Deschambault Lake, Saskatchewan and had been for 10 consecutive 2 year terms. He beat former Chief Harold Linklater (2005-2007) in a 2 person election for Chief of the 10,000 strong PBCN in April 17th, 2013 winning by a convincing margin of over 400 votes. Former Chief McCallum declined to seek re-election after 3 consecutive terms. The Cree Nation also has 14 Elected Councilors, two each from Southend, Sandy Bay, and Deschambault Lake, five from Pelican Narrows, and one each from Amisk Lake (Denare Beach), Sturgeon Landing, and Prince Albert. 11 of the 14 seats were also won by new candidates and only 3 incumbents retained their seats. The centralized Government of the First Nation is located in Prince Albert, Sk. [1] For more info see

People from Peter Ballantyne Cree FN[edit]

External links[edit]
