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Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals

Four to five million annual deaths could be prevented by 2015 through sustained and appropriate immunization efforts, backed by financial support. Vaccination is one of the most successful and cost-effective public health interventions. Well over 2 million deaths are currently averted through immunization each year.

The WHO Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals Department web site provides policy, guidelines and information about vaccines, immunization and vaccine-preventable diseases. IVB areas of work

News - 23 October 2006

Immediate action needed on pandemic influenza supply, urges new plan

WHO's new Global pandemic influenza action plan to increase vaccine supply addresses the potential large vaccine shortage of several billion doses. It defines a set of activities which require immediate global action and funding to avoid a potential public health crisis in the event of an influenza pandemic. The plan calls for an increase in seasonal influenza vaccine use and vaccine production capacity, as well as further research and development to design more potent and effective vaccines.

News release
News release (French)
News release (Spanish)
Global pandemic influenza action plan to increase vaccine supply
Statement of US Secretary of Health & Human Services

Our areas of work
Immunization standards
Immunization standards
Immunization financing, supply and procurement
Immunization financing, supply and procurement
Immunization service delivery and accelerated disease control
Immunization service delivery and accelerated disease control

Vaccine research and development
Vaccine research and development
Immunization safety
Immunization safety
Immunization surveillance, assessment and monitoring
Immunization surveillance, assessment and monitoring

Immunization Home

Vaccine position papers
Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE)
Global Immunization Vision and Strategy (GIVS)

6 November 2006
Global Immunization News (GIN) - October 2006 [pdf 398kb]

23 October 2006
Immediate action needed on pandemic influenza supply, urges new plan

18 October 2006
Increasing Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Supply [pdf 26kb]

16 October 2006
Cambodia achieves significant boost in immunization [pdf 31kb]

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