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Anglican Cycle of Prayer

Anglicans around the world daily pray for dioceses and their bishops. Why not join them?

Friday 16-Sep-2016

Psalm: 102:12-28 Jer 34:8-22

Gujarat - (North India) The Rt Revd Silvans Christian
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Prayer of the Week

A Prayer for Burundi

For the beautiful but poor country of Burundi, we pray dear Lord.
For the population living in fear and dread, afraid of the unknown and the uncertain, we ask for hope.
For those fleeing in Burundi or abroad, we pray for safety, freedom from disease and famine and the security that they may return home.
For those seeking the way of violence that they would instead seek reconciliation between all parties.
For the surrounding countries that they may remain at peace, act justly and broker a just settlement.
Enable an end to violence so that Burundi may become a beacon of peace rather than a place of fear and death.
Strengthen your church to stand for the ways of justice and righteousness and to reach out in love to the suffering.
We ask these things in the name of Him who carried all our human failings on the cross, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Theologian database

If you’re an Anglican theologian or are looking for one, visit our database here

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Network of The Month

Is the Anglican Communion Environmental Network which is promoting the bishops’ call to urgent action for climate justice ‘The World is Our Host’. 

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Vacation Exchange

 Are you clergy or a church worker? Why not swap your home with other Anglicans for a low-cost holiday? 

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Anglican Communion Office

Want to learn more about the secretariat that supports the Anglican Communion?

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Archbishop of Canterbury

The Archbishop of Canterbury is the Anglican Communion’s spiritual head


Archbishop Justin Welby Visit His Website