Shinya Yamanaka receives the Nobel Prize, © Alex Ljungdahl

Nobel Prizes
and Laureates

Lists of Nobel Prizes and Laureates

Quick Facts

Awards: 573 Prizes to 900 Laureates
Prize categories: 6
Awarded women: 48
Awarded organizations: 23
Multiple Nobel Laureates: 6
Average age of a Laureate: 59
Age of youngest Laureate: 17
Age of oldest Laureate: 90

More facts about the Nobel Prize

900 Nobel Laureates

Awarded for "the Greatest Benefit to Mankind"

Between 1901 and 2015, the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences were awarded 573 times to 900 people and organizations. The Nobel Prize is an international award administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden, and based on the fortune of Alfred Nobel, Swedish inventor and entrepreneur. In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank established The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize. Each Prize consists of a medal, a personal diploma, and a cash award.

A person or organization awarded the Nobel Prize is called Nobel Laureate. The word "laureate" refers to being signified by the laurel wreath. In ancient Greece, laurel wreaths were awarded to victors as a sign of honor.

More about Alfred Nobel


Most Popular Laureates


Youyou Tu
Medicine Prize 2015


Aziz Sancar
Chemistry Prize 2015


William C. Campbell
Medicine Prize 2015


Takaaki Kajita
Physics Prize 2015


Tomas Lindahl
Chemistry Prize 2015


Satoshi Ōmura
Medicine Prize 2015


Paul Modrich
Chemistry Prize 2015


Arthur B. McDonald
Physics Prize 2015


Martin Luther King Jr.
Peace Prize 1964


Svetlana Alexievich
Literature Prize 2015


The Nobel Prize in Physics

109 Nobel Prizes to 201 Laureates between 1901 and 2015.

All Nobel Prizes and Physics Laureates
Facts and figures on the Physics Prize

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

107 Nobel Prizes to 172 Laureates between 1901 and 2015.

All Nobel Prizes and Chemistry Laureates
Facts and figures on the Chemistry Prize

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

106 Nobel Prizes to 210 Laureates between 1901 and 2015.

All Nobel Prizes and Medicine Laureates
Facts and figures on the Medicine Prize

The Nobel Prize in Literature

108 Nobel Prizes to 112 Laureates between 1901 and 2015.

All Nobel Prizes and Literature Laureates
Facts and figures on the Literature Prize

The Nobel Peace Prize

96 Nobel Prizes to 129 Laureates between 1901 and 2015.

All Nobel Peace Prizes and Laureates
Facts and figures on the Peace Prize
Economics prize

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel

47 Prizes to 76 Laureates between 1969 and 2015.

All Prizes and Laureates in Economic Sciences
Facts and figures on the Prize in Economic Sciences
2013 Nobel Laureates

11 New Nobel Laureates

10 persons were awarded 2015, two women, eight men; and one organization. There are now two new Nobel Laureates in Physics, three in Chemistry, three in Physiology or Medicine, one in Literature, one in Peace and one Laureate in Economic Sciences. See a short presentation of them here.

List of 2015 Nobel Laureates
Women Nobel Laureates

Two More Female Nobel Laureates

2015 Nobel Laureates Youyou Tu (awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine) and Svetlana Alexievich (awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature), increased the list of awarded women to 48 in total.

All Nobel Prize awarded women

What Do the Nobel Laureates Receive?

Nobel Diploma Mo Yan

The Nobel Diplomas

Each Nobel Diploma is a unique work of art, created by foremost Swedish and Norwegian artists and calligraphers.

More about the Nobel Diplomas

The Nobel Medal. Registered trademark of the Nobel Foundation. © ® The Nobel Foundation.

The Nobel Medals

The Nobel medals show the image of Alfred Nobel on the face. The image on the reverse varies according to the institution awarding the prize.

More about the Nobel Prize Medals

The Nobel Prize Amount

The Nobel Prize amount for 2013 was set at SEK 8.0 million per full Nobel Prize. Until 1968, in principle more than three persons could share a Nobel Prize, but this never happened in practice.

More about the Nobel Prize Amount