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The head of a weeder.

A number of common weeding tools are designed to ease the task of removing weeds from gardens and lawns.

  • The fulcrum weeder has a split tip like a serpent's tongue, and a long thin handle. Many models have a curved piece of metal along the handle which is put against the ground while the tip is digging. The curved metal piece acts as a fulcrum in a lever system. It is helpful to remove weeds either with a tap root or a fibrous root system.
  • The Cape Cod weeder has a thin, long handle and a triangular scraping head. When the handle is held parallel to the ground, the head points downward.
  • The crack weeder is a relative of the Cape Cod Weeder. It is designed to scrape out weeds growing in crevices, stone walls and other deep and narrow places. The plane of the L-shaped scraping blade includes the handle; the bottom of the "L" is parallel to it.


  • William Bryant Logan, Smith & Hawken The Tool Book, 1997