'Historic day' says Stephen Harper as Canada signs on to Trans-Pacific trade deal

Dairy farmers take part in a protest in downtown Ottawa on Tuesday, September 29, 2015. Dozens of dairy farmers from Ontario and Quebec gathered on Parliament Hill to raise concerns about protecting Canada's supply management system in the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations. Sean Kilpatrick / THE CANADIAN PRESS

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Canada has signed on to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, which creates the largest trading bloc in the world. The federal government will also spend billions of dollars to support Canadian farmers as part of an accord that will have immediate implications on the election campaign.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper made the announcement in Ottawa Monday morning, calling it a “historic day for Canada” that will have significant long-term benefits for the economy.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime agreement, a once-in-a-lifetime moment of decision. You are either in or out, and we choose to be in because there is simply too much to gain for Canada,” the Conservative leader told reporters in Ottawa.

“We have chosen a future of participation over isolation.”

Trade ministers meeting in Atlanta wrapped up a furious negotiating session earlier in the day for an agreement that will have enormous economic ramifications – including in sensitive sectors such as dairy and autos – and is sparking significant controversy in the home stretch of the campaign.

Anticipating potential concerns, Harper said “the decision for the next Parliament will be whether to ratify and implement or not,” and added that his party’s view is that “ this deal is without any doubt whatsoever in the best interests of the Canadian economy.”

He said the deal “frankly exceeded my best expectations.”


The Canadian government has agreed to make “limited” concessions on its supply managed dairy and poultry sectors that will allow more duty-free imports of products from TPP countries into Canada, but it has kept the pillars of the controversial supply management system intact.

To compensate Canadian dairy and poultry farmers for potential financial losses from the deal, the government is promising to invest $4.3 billion over the next 15 years in new income- and quota guarantees, and other programs to keep dairy and poultry farmers “financially whole.”

“I know what the criticisms are, but the supply management system is the basis of the rural economy in significant parts of our country. Its continuity and stability is essential for those parts of our country,” Harper said.

The additional duty-free access to Canada’s dairy and poultry market for TPP partners will be granted through quotas phased in over five years, and amounts to 3.25 per cent of Canada’s current dairy production (with the majority of the additional milk and butter being directed to value-added processing); 2.3 per cent for eggs; 2.1 per cent for chicken; two per cent for turkey; and 1.5 per cent for broiler hatching eggs.

A typical dairy farmer will receive total federal government compensation of approximately $165,600 over the next 15 years, with an average chicken farmer receiving $84,100 and turkey farmer receiving $88,000. A typical egg farm could expect $71,500 and a hatching egg farm would receive approximately $191,700.

The Canadian government also says that it secured better terms for the rules of origin for vehicles and automotive parts than other TPP partners like Japan and the United States had initially been pushing for.

The TPP deal requires 45 per cent net-cost domestic content rules for cars, 45 per cent of net-cost content for “core parts,” and 40 per cent for other parts.

NAFTA rules up to now have stipulated that cars must have 62.5 per cent North American content for finished vehicles and 60 per cent for auto parts in order to be sold tariff-free in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

Harper said the agreement on autos and parts will “clearly benefit our auto industry here at home.”

The Conservative leader said he will announce new measures over the next few days to attract new auto investment to Canada and “to ensure the long-term stability and presence of assembly operations here in Canada.

“I am very confident that our sector will compete and will succeed, and of course we will be working with them to make sure that happens,” he added.

Japan had been pushing to allow for the duty-free movement of vehicles and auto parts containing as little as 30 per cent content produced in TPP countries. Canadian auto parts makers, meanwhile, are worried they will lose business to low-cost Asian producers that aren’t part of the trade deal, such as China and Thailand.

Unifor, the largest private sector union in Canada, assailed the trade accord Monday and said it will put an estimated 20,000 Canadian auto jobs at risk, at a time when the government is supposed to be in “caretaker” mode because of the election campaign.

“All the signs point to the TPP posing a major threat to good-paying jobs in Canada,” Unifor national president Jerry Dias said in a statement.

Canadian auto parts manufacturers and Unifor have raised concerns about the agreement allowing Japanese auto companies to export cars to North America with significantly less North American content than is currently required.

The Conservatives have been trumpeting the proposed agreement of 12 Pacific Rim nations as a boon to the Canadian economy and another example of why they are the only party that should be trusted to run the country as voters head to the ballot box in two weeks.

Tom Mulcair’s NDP says a New Democrat government wouldn’t be bound by the contents of the “secret agreement,” and is campaigning heavily against parts of the deal in hopes of shoring up support in Quebec and Ontario.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has criticized Harper and the Conservatives for being too secretive about the negotiations. He hasn’t gone as far as Mulcair in expressing concerns with the deal or said if the next government would be tied to its terms.

Harper expects the full text of the agreement to be released in the next few days, with signatures on the finalized text and deal early in the new year, and ratification over the next two years.

The 12-country TPP – which includes Canada, the United States, Japan, Mexico, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam – represents a market of nearly 800 million consumers and almost 40 per cent of the global economy, with a combined GDP of about $28.5 trillion.

The TPP agreement is expected to surpass the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in economic importance to Canada and includes two of the world’s three largest economies (the U.S. and Japan).

The agreement must be ratified by parliaments in each country, which could prove a serious challenge and take several years to complete in the various countries.

The agreement will reduce or remove tariffs and other barriers on sectors across the economy over the next 15 years and potentially increase Canadian exports in a wide variety of products and services, including beef, pork, canola, wines and spirits, and seafood, among many others.

There could be political fallout in the coming days.

Ontario, home of Canada’s auto sector and second-largest number of dairy farms (about 4,000), also holds 121 of the country’s 338 seats; Quebec, with its 78 federal seats, is home to the largest number of dairy farms in Canada (about 5,900).

There are approximately 12,000 dairy farms in Canada.

The supply management system is seen as crucial to Canada’s agricultural sector and helps keep many family farms operating, but it forces consumers to pay higher prices for milk, butter and other dairy products.

The system supports 215,000 jobs and contributes about $19 billion to Canada’s GDP and $3.6 billion in taxes.

Dozens of upset dairy farmers parked their tractors and walked their cows in front of Parliament Hill last week to protest the trade deal their fear it could lead to a flood of foreign milk imports into Canada.

Some TPP countries, notably New Zealand and the United States, had been pushing for greater access to Canada’s dairy market. Harper promised he would not sacrifice Canada’s supply management sector.

Harper, however, had cautioned that Canada’s automotive industry might not be happy with parts of the TPP.

The manufacturing of vehicles and auto parts contributes roughly $20 billion to the country’s GDP and directly employs 120,000 people, not including spinoff jobs, according to a 2014 report from the Automotive Policy Research Centre at McMaster University.

— With files from The Canadian Press.






Lois Kirkup October 5, 201510:09 am

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