List of Chinese Canadians

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This is a list of Chinese Canadians including both original immigrants who obtained Canadian citizenship and their Canadian-born descendants who are notable, have made significant contributions to the Canadian or international culture or society politically, artistically or scientifically, or have appeared in the news prominently.

Politics and public service[edit]

Law and judiciary[edit]

  • Won Alexander Cumyow (溫金有), First person of Chinese origin born in Canada; As a court interpreter, Won was also the first ethnic-Chinese government official in Canada
  • K. Dock Yip - lawyer
  • Jim Chu (朱小荪), first Chinese Chief Constable of the Vancouver Police Service
  • Guo Guoting, prominent lawyer who defended dissidents and Falun Gong practitioners
  • Linda Ann Loo, Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia



Visual arts[edit]

  • Paul Wong - Award-winning artist, curator, and organizer of public interventions
  • Terence Koh - diverse work sometimes involving queer, punk, and pornographic sensibilities
  • Richard Fung - video artist, writer, public intellectual and theorist
  • Tobi Wong
  • Bruce Mau - Design, architecture, art, museums, film, eco-environmental design, and conceptual philosophy
  • Ken Lum - Public art champion, award-wining educator
  • Raymond Chow - martial arts film producer




Science and technology[edit]

  • Thomas Chang, physician, medical scientist, and inventor credited with co-inventing the world's first artificial cell.
  • James K. M. Cheng, architect
  • Kin-Yip Chun, geophysicist
  • Roger Hui, computer scientist and co-developer of the J programming language
  • Yuet Wai Kan, medical scientist and physician who was a pioneer of applying molecular biology and genetics into clinical medicine
  • Victor Ling, medical researcher whose research focuses on drug resistance in cancer. He is best known for his discovery of P-glycoprotein
  • Tak Wah Mak, medical researcher, geneticist, oncologist, and biochemist. He first became widely known for his discovery of the T-cell receptor and pioneering work in the genetics of immunology.
  • Bing Thom, architect
  • Paul Tseng, applied mathematician who went missing while kayaking in the Yangtze River in the Yunnan province of China and is presumed dead.
  • Tsui Lap-chee, geneticist
  • Joseph Yu Kai Wong, physician and philanthropist.
  • William Kwong Yu Yeung, astronomer and discoverer of asteroids and also discovered the comet 172P/Yeung

Education and academia[edit]


  • Susur Lee - chef and international restaurateur based in Toronto


  1. ^ "Councillor George Chow", Vancouver City Website, Accessed August 29, 2009.
  2. ^ "香港男新人王关楚耀现身佛山 (New Hong Kong star Kelvin Kwan coming to Foshan)". Huanqiao Yulewang. 2006-12-07. Retrieved 2007-03-28.