1760 in Canada

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Years in Canada: 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763
Centuries: 17th century · 18th century · 19th century
Decades: 1730s 1740s 1750s 1760s 1770s 1780s 1790s
Years: 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763

Events from the year 1760 in Canada.


  • Sunday April 20 - Seven thousand French troops start to recapture Quebec.
  • Monday April 28 - Murray's 7,714 troops retire to the Citadel, after fighting the Canadiens outside the walls of Quebec. The French prepare to besiege.
  • Friday May 9 - The belligerents, of each nationality, expect a fleet bringing troops and supplies. An approaching frigate proves to be British.
  • Thursday May 15 - Two more British war-ships arrive. The British win a naval battle near Quebec.
  • Saturday May 17 - The French raise the siege of Quebec.
  • Saturday September 6 - General Jeffrey Amherst invades Montreal.
  • September 6 to September 7 - A council of war, at Montreal, favors capitulation.
  • Monday September 8 - Amherst's, Murray's, and Haviland's commands, around Montreal, are about 17,000.
  • The articles of capitulation are agreeable to the French, except that they do not concede "all the honors of war" or "perpetual neutrality of Canadiens."
  • De Levis threatens to retire to St. Helen's Island and fight to the last; but the Governor orders him to disarm.
  • Fortress Louisbourg demolished by the British.
  • Fall of Montreal and surrender of Great Lakes and Ohio Valley French forts to English. Lord Jeffrey Amherst starts a "get tough with Indians" policy, including the first biological warfare --smallpox-infested blankets. Amherst granted some Seneca (originally his allies) lands to his officers. Odawa chief Pontiac (and the Delaware Prophet) organize a resistance preaching return to traditional Indian customs. The 1761 draft Proclamation (to English governors), and the Royal Proclamation of 1763 (with a large Indian country in what's now the U.S. Great Lakes/Midwest) were part of the English Crown's attempt to mollify the Indians. Neither proclamation of undisturbed Indian lands was followed by settlers or the Crown.
  • The British Conquest. General James Murray is appointed first British military governor of Quebec.

