Forms and publications

Includes tax packages, returns, guides, and schedules for individuals and businesses.

Services and information

TD1, Personal Tax Credits Return

Employers or payers use this form to determine an employee's tax deductions.

T2201, Disability Tax Credit Certificate

Individuals use this form to apply for the disability tax credit (DTC) and qualified practitioners use it to certify the effects of the impairment.

General income tax and benefit package for 2015

Guide, return, worksheets, and schedules for completing your 2015 personal income tax return.

T2125, Statement of Business or Professional Activities

Use this form to report business or professional income and expenses (including self-employed commission sales).

T2200, Declaration of Conditions of Employment

Employers complete this form so that employees can deduct employment expenses from their income.

T1-ADJ, T1 Adjustment Request

Use this form to request an adjustment (reassessment) to an individual income tax return.

T4, Statement of Remuneration Paid (slip)

Employers complete T4 slips for all employees who received salary, wages, tips or gratuities, bonuses, employment commissions, and other remuneration.

T2151, Direct Transfer of a Single Amount under Subsection 147(19) or Section 147.3

Deferred profit-sharing plan trustees or registered pension plan administrators use this form to record the direct transfer of a single amount for an applicant.

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