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Veterans Ombudsman's Blog

The importance of keeping a laser-like focus on Veterans’ outcomes

Yesterday, I shared in The Hill Times my thoughts on the importance of keeping a laser-like focus on outcomes for Veterans when designing benefits and services. We know that the current suite of benefits does not adequately support all Veterans, and I believe that an underlying reason is that the outcomes for Veterans have never been clearly defined. Benefits should be adequate, sufficient, and accessible. As we take steps to get there, outcomes for Veterans must be our guiding factor.

Let’s Chat!

I am excited to launch an innovative Twitter Chat Series to engage with Veterans and their families as well as all Canadians. Our first Twitter Chat will take place on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 7:00 PM EDT, on the topic of Support to Families in Transition. This is a major priority for my Office, and we will publish a Review on the subject soon. Stay tuned!

Submit your nominations for the Veterans Ombudsman Commendation!

Do you know an individual, group, business or organization that should be recognized for their outstanding contributions to the well-being of Veterans and their families? We are now accepting nominations for the 2016 Veterans Ombudsman Commendation! Learn more about the nomination criteria. Deadline: April 1, 2016!

Success Stories

Veterans Independence Program

In another instance, VAC denied a request from a Veteran for social transportation costs under the Veterans Independence Program. The reason for the decline was that although he was a pensioned ...

An Outstanding Ambulance Bill is Paid

A Veteran contacted the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman because he had an outstanding ambulance bill that had been sent to a collection agency. The Veteran had submitted the bill to Veterans ...

Vindication through Perseverance

A Veteran had a TTY (teletypewriter) device installed during the early 1990s, which was required due to his pensioned condition for hearing loss. In 1996, he began writing and phoning VAC ...

Health Related Travel

This story is somewhat related to one of the hot issues that we listed last month. An 82 year old Veteran has taken the same route to his medical appointments for years because he feels that it ...

Significant Increase in Disability Assessment

A Veteran contacted the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman because he was unsatisfied with the initial (interim) assessment of 28 percent that he had received for several major injuries sustained ...


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Budget 2016

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