
The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is Canada's largest independent administrative tribunal. Every year, the Board renders more than 40,000 decisions on refugee protection and immigration matters.

About Board Decisions

Under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, hearings before the IRB are generally held in public. A case may be heard in private when there is a serious possibility that the life, liberty and security of a person will be endangered if the proceeding is held in public, or for reasons of fairness or public security, as set out in section 166 of the Act.

When a case is heard in private, the decision and reasons are "sanitized". That is, all the information that could identify the person who is the subject of the proceedings is replaced by "XXX".

A selection of decisions rendered by the IRB are available on the Canadian Legal Information Institute's (CanLII) website.

Decisions of Public Interest

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Decisions have been identified by the Chairperson as being Jurisprudential Guides or persuasive decisions.