Green Construction

Towards Sustainability

The building is striving towards sustainability, as shown by an internationally approved LEED Certified Silver designation. This means that the whole building meets high standards. LEED applies not only to the way in which the finished building works—for example, air quality, energy and water efficiency. It also measures the “green” quality of the construction process and the materials used.

The LEED Green Building Rating System™ 

LEED—Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design—is an international system of standards, tools and performance criteria that encourage builders around the world to adopt sustainable green building and development practices. LEED is:

  • a third-party certification program;
  • an internationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings;
  • a source of tools that building owners and operators need to achieve a high, measurable “green” standard of building performance.

LEED standards apply to the whole building in five key areas:

  • Sustainable development practices
  • Materials
  • Water efficiency
  • Energy efficiency
  • Indoor environmental quality