Frequently Asked Questions

Guidelines for Stories

Click on a question to view our answer.

  1. What kinds of stories is the Museum looking for?
  2. I know a story to share, but it is not my own. Do I tell you about it?
  3. What will the Museum do with my story?
  4. Are all stories guaranteed to be in the Museum?
  5. Can I tell you my story in confidence?
  6. Will I receive any financial reward for sharing my story?
  7. What if I have more questions?

Question 1: What kinds of stories is the Museum looking for?

Stories can include (but are not limited to):

  • Experiences of discrimination, or unfair or unequal treatment
  • Experiences of threat or harm based on who you are or what you believe
  • Stories of overcoming and/or confronting discrimination
  • Opportunities that came about because human rights were or are being protected or upheld
  • Recognition or awards given for resisting discrimination and upholding freedom and opportunity
  • Stories of how you treated others unequally or unfairly because of who they are or what they believe
  • People or events that have inspired you to respect and honour human rights and responsibilities
  • Images, symbols, objects, words, music, or art that symbolize human rights to you

Question 2: I know a story to share, but it is not my own. Do I tell you about it?

Yes! We are relying on you to point us in the right direction. Please let us know if there are individuals or groups we should be speaking to by referring us through Invite a friend to share a story

Question 3: What will the Museum do with my story?

Your story may be posted at Share your Story. We cannot guarantee that all submissions will be posted.

The Museum will contact you if it plans to use your story, in whole or in part, in any capacity outside of Share your Story. This may include use in promotional materials, exhibit content and social media.

Question 4: Are all shared stories guaranteed to appear on the website?

We cannot guarantee that all shared stories will appear. The Museum reserves the right to determine which shared stories will appear. All shared stories must follow the website’s Terms of Use. Read the Terms of Use.

Question 5: Can I tell you my story in confidence?

No. Share your story only if you understand and accept that it may be published online.

Question 6: Will I receive any financial reward for sharing my story?

The Museum does not pay for shared stories.

Question 7: What if I have more questions?

If you have any further questions or concerns about story submissions, please complete the form at Contact