Upcoming Projects

The Museum is beginning to undertake new interviews and research projects to further our understanding of human rights issues and initiatives in Canada and around the world. 

The Anti-Apartheid Movement in Canada Oral History and Exhibition Project 

The death of Nelson Mandela in December 2013 spurred a flurry of publications and documentaries about this revered world leader and the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. Many media reports explored the role Canadians played in supporting this effort.

As The Canadian Press commented;

The country that bestowed its highest accolades and even honorary citizenship upon Nelson Mandela was often described by the legendary freedom fighter as a source of inspiration throughout his struggle for racial equality in South Africa.
Mandela found sympathy in Canada for his cause when he himself was not able to fight for it, allies who supported his mission during his long incarceration, and adoring devotees who welcomed him as a native son upon his release.

- From The Canadian Press, posted December 6, 2013

The Museum’s Anti-Apartheid Movement in Canada Oral History and Exhibition Project will examine the anti-apartheid movement in Canada using oral history interviews with Canadians from across the country who both who led and supported this critical human rights initiative. 

The names of all such Canadians “must be written in letters of gold.”
– Bishop Desmond Tutu, 1998. 
In Good Faith, Canadian Churches Against Apartheid, by Renate Pratt.