
Know about safety for cosmetics, including eye and tanning products, hair dyes and black henna temporary tattoos.

Services and information

What is a cosmetic?

A "cosmetic" is any substance used to clean, improve or change the complexion, skin, hair, nails or teeth.

Report a cosmetic incident or adverse reaction

Report a health or safety related issue with a cosmetic to Health Canada.

Cosmetics and safety

Every day, most of us use products like skin cream, aftershave lotion and baby shampoo. Most cosmetics are safe, but they can sometimes cause health problems.

Regulating cosmetics

Health Canada regulates cosmetics under the Food and Drugs Act and Cosmetic Regulations, to make sure they are safe to use and to reduce health risks to Canadians.

What Is the Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist?

The Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist is a list of ingredients that are banned or limited in cosmetics in Canada.

Internet myths and rumours about cosmetics

Incorrect information can be dangerous, so it is important to determine if the information you have is factual and reliable.

Advertising, labelling and ingredients

Claims on a label or in an ad for what a cosmetic can do must be accurate so they do not mislead people.

Black henna temporary tattoos

Black henna temporary tattoos are often sold and applied by artisans at markets, fairs and amusement parks in Canada, as well as holiday or foreign travel destinations.

Eye cosmetics

Eye cosmetics must meet the same safety and clean manufacturing requirements as other cosmetics. However, part of the responsibility for cosmetics safety belongs to you, the individual consumer.

Hair dyes

Health Canada's review of current scientific data shows there is no hazard associated with the proper use of hair dyes.

Lead in traditional kohl

Kohl (also known as: kajal, surma, al-kahl/al-kohl) is a traditional eye cosmetic of Middle Eastern, Asian and North African societies.

Tanning products

Canadians use many different types of tanning products. Some are used to prevent tans and sunburns. Others are used to help create or fake a tan.

The safety of triclosan

Learn about triclosan, use restrictions, health and environmental risks and safety tips.

Subscribe to Cosmetics @ Health Canada

Join the Cosmetics e-mail list so that you can receive the latest news and information about Health Canada's work in the area of cosmetics and personal care products.

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